
#002 - feb 16th 2013


This second edition is an occasion to tune up a bit the mailchimp templates, and make the letter readable on phones. Well, it was chinese new year hollidays so I got plenty of time and wanted to add more rubyconf dates. Damn there are so many. I will keep a record at the bottom of each letter, so people can get organized in advance.


What could be heard last week ..
Ruby5 344 feb 12
security release, ruby heroes, and some pointers.
Ruby5 345 feb 15
haml 4, rails templates, paratrooper, shpec, yaml hacks, bundler-audit, rubymotion.
RubyRogues 092 feb 13
special picks, with a lot of books references, some various talk about remote working, desktop arrangements, and others.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Live coding with Jim Weirich feb 13
TDD by example (kata), given/then/when in rspec, lot of tips
Railscats: public activity feb 13
gets big brother over your users shoulders.
EdgeConf videos feb 13
now online the panels from edgeconf that happened in London on feb 9th. Hats off for the fast delivery.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Design patterns in ruby: observer, singleton jan 31
Nice article describing with code examples some well known but not that much used design patterns.
State machine with rails feb 8
Some examples of code using the state_machine gem.
35 top example of javascript feb 12
a list of spectacular websites using cutting edge javascript tricks.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
is a new js framework for web application, based on jQuery
is a forum of a new generation, using rails, postgresql, redis. Not necessarily easy to install but definitely an interesting UI.
a test suite for shell scripts that tastes like rspec
looks for vulnerable gems, quite useful these days
just for making tests output laughable
yet another but cool calendar library
a server monitoring solution with modejs and mongodb


ruby T-Shirts
ruby/rails goodies
Ruby hero
Vote for your ruby hero.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.