
#034 - sep 29th 2013


A lot of learning links this week. And also a bunch of news, about ruby 2.1, google analytics dropping ie8 support, plus the usual cocktail of links. There is also some non-webdev links related to topics that I just like to spread around, like go or arduino-like toys).


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Rainy day
cool js effect on water drops.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Feedspot tool
Another after-reader RSS collection tool, that I'm currently testing, not bad.
Code Wars tool
Another coder game based on challenges in js, coffee or ruby.
Node School tool
Learn node.js with interactive lessons.
Vim Genius tool
A game for improving your vim fluency.
Hackify tool
Stop hacking alone.
Bento tool
A list of links per category about lerning web development and other related topics.
Microduino tool
This kickstarter project looks amazing, and the hardware is really tiny.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Pace js
Automatic page load progress bar with various options.
Background checker js
Change element color depending on background brightness.
Functionnal javascript workshop js
A js tutorial in console mode using workshopper.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
A journey in golang package manager sep 14 go
A quick review of Gom, that tries to fix one big weakness of golang.
Google Analytics drops IE8 support sep 16 tool
This is an amazing move for web developers. IE8 will die fast now. muhahaha.
Rails Security Pitfalls sep 23 rb
A list of common rails security risks and how to take care of them.
Throw away Sprockets, use UNIX! sep 23 rb
An interesting alternative to sprockets for precompiling js files using make and cpp.
About ruby 2.1 sep 24 rb
Review of the features for the recently announced 2.1 version of ruby.
Create a Multi-user Presentation with Reveal.js sep 26 js
A presentation that can be controller by several people at same time.
Why Your Startup Can’t Find Developers sep 26 web
A view from Hired on the recruitment for tchnical talents in US.
Tools for image optimization sep 26 web
A good review of many options you have to reduce the size of your web and mobile images.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Github Training (9 videos) tool
Collection of Git training videos from github.
Ember 1.0 reusable components (44m) sep 19 js
How to avoid the angry ball of mud in ember by using UI components.
Perf matters (3h25) sep 20 html5
Featuring Paul Irish, Colt McAnlis, Jake Archibald, and Paul Lewis about browser perfs.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 67 (30m) sep 23 rb
With Hilary Mason about Data Science, Bitly and Cheeseburgers.
Ruby5 405 (7m) sep 24 rb
ruby 2.1, in browser rails console, splatting, unix preprocessing, case for cucumber, rake global task.
RubyRogues 124 (1h07) sep 25 rb
JRuby with Charlie Nutter.
TheChangelog 105 (56m) sep 26 js
Ghost blogging platform with John O'Nolan.
Javascript Jabber 077 (50m) sep 27 js
Monocle with Alex MacCaw.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.