
#075 - jul 13th 2014


Ok I will not say a word about football (yes I just did, I know) because xenor and me have opposite positions on this topic. On a more on-topic subject, if you can go to Japan this fall, registration to RubyKaigi opened last week.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
BitShadow Machine
8bit experiment with css boxes.
A guy is self-tracking himself on this website with neat graphic tricks.
Made by Uppercut
Web agency website, cool design and typo work.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Practice Inspiration tool
A website that suggests random item for practice.
Inch CI rb
Raise the visibility of code documentation in Ruby.
GerritHub tool
Gerrit Code Review with GitHub repositories.
Runnable tool
Run Your Code Online (choice of 15 languages) in a container.
Introduction to Programming with Ruby rb
(free book) for the inexperienced or completely new programmer.
Auth0 tool
Identity infrastructure, built for developers.
Chef Supermarket ops
This is the new cookbooks community site from Chef, quite a neat change.
List of lists of Github lists tool
List of Lists of Github Lists.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Ember 1.6.0 js
First to be published after converting the codebase to ES6 modules.
Breach tool
A browser for the HTML5 era. Entirely written in Javascript.
Rails Env Favicon rb
Gem to display the rails environment on the favicon.
InfluxDB go
An open-source distributed time series database with no external dependencies (go + levelDB).
Graphana ops
Metrics dashboard and graph editor for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB (inspired by Kibana).
Odyssey js
Create interactive maps by writing stories (on Cartodb).
Vim emoji js
Named Emoji in Vim.
CSS Colorguard css3
Keep a watchful eye on your css colors.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
My Favorite Emacs Add-Ons jul 6 tool
This is just to say that there is not only vim and st3.
Zero to Smoke Test with Sinatra jul 8 rb
Avdi documented the process of retrofitting tests to a test-less Sinatra app.
Metrics in a home jul 10 ops
Presentation of InfluxDB, an alternative to graphite.
Inspiration for custom select elements jul 10 css3
Custom version of the select element.
Web Spreadsheet in 99 lines jul 10 js
A detailed demo of angular coding, actually.
Pushing Pixels with JRuby+Truffle jul 10 rb
Performances and benchmarks for the truffle engine for jRuby.
Optimising for 60fps everywhere jul 10 rb
Performance and speed in JavaScript.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
A to Z CSS: Justify (6m) jul 8 css3
12 possible values for text-align.
Working with YAML Files (13m) jul 8 rb
How to work with yaml files in ruby.
JS must watch list (33 videos) js
Must-watch videos about javascript.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #106 (28m) jul 7 web
Sprinting Thru Design (Alex Baldwin & Galen Frechette).
Product Hunt 13 (43m) jul 7 web
About what AngelList really is, time-saving apps, and a few crazy products.
Arrested DevOps 14 (1h06) jul 7 ops
How To Eff Up DevOps.
Git Minutes 30 (1h29) jul 7 tool
Luca Milanesio on Gerrit Code Review.
Ruby5 478 (8m) jul 8 rb
Rails 4.1.4, Awesome Ruby, MessageEncryptor, BHF, Inch CI, fourchette.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #158 (1h17) jul 8 rb
Daniel Jalkut - Not a Ruby Programmer (Yet).
Food Fight Show 201407 (1h10) jul 8 ops
About the new community site: Chef Supermarket.
Ruby Rogues 164 (1h17) jul 9 rb
Staying Sharp with Dave Thomas.
Javascript Jabber 116 (1h) jul 9 js
jQuery UI vs KendoUI with Burke Holland and TJ VanToll.
CodePen 17 (32m) jul 9 css3
What the CodePen community is.
Ruby5 479 (6m) jul 11 rb
Time Travel with git, learn programming, adequate_exposure, Avdi's Sinatra testing adventure, App Server Arena, Informant.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
Coffee to Js in Vim with one key down js
Fixed table layout to keep things under control css3
Nosleep for the insomniac mac tool
Mute cache in rails logs rb
Anonymous functions in javascript js
Activerecords transaction to save trouble rb
Reflect on association in activerecord rb
Tree command as a better ls tool
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.