
#089 - oct 19th 2014


This weekend Rails Rumble is ending up right now. Results will have to wait one week but I bet there will be interesting projects to check out.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Fluky design
Make you own wheel of fortune and roll it.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Rails beginner cheatsheet rb
This is not a new site, but it can help onboard new rubyists.
Fast ruby rb
List of benchmarking examples of ruby code, comparing alternatives.
Mastering Modern Payments rb
(Book) Complete guide to getting paid with Stripe and Rails.
FormKeep tool
Form endpoints for designers and developers.
GildeRoom tool
Hangouts without the hangups (webrtc based).
Sublime Text Power User tool
(Book) Get intimate with Sublime Text.
Bee Free tool
Online mail composer for campaigns, by Mailup.
TinyScreen tool
A color display the size of your thumb.
React Fundamentals js
Basic fundamentals of React to get you started.
Learn all the nodes js
Screencasts about node.js.
Intro to D3.js js
This tutorial provides a quick intro to D3.js (not a deep dive).
Building Web Apps with Go go
(Book) Learn how to build and deploy web applications with Go..


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Ruby Raptor rb
A radically new Ruby web server (to be released next month).
Ruboto 1.2.0 mobile
JRuby on Android, new version.
Nightmare js
A high level wrapper for Phantomjs. js
Open software ecosystem for WebGL, built on top of browserify and npm.
Pageres js
Responsive website screenshots from the commandline.
EditorConfig tool
Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors.
Fig 1.0 ops
A ton of improvements in this release, including compatibility with boot2docker on OS X.
Dockerize ops
Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Build your own Google TV Using RaspberryPi, NodeJS and oct 13 js
Full tutorial based on the RaspberryPi-Tv project.
How Does Rails Handle Gems? oct 13 rb
How do Bundler, Rails, and RubyGems work together to make handling dependencies easy.
Leverage Bundler to Get Private Git Repos on Docker Images oct 14 rb
Handle gems based on private repos in docker images.
Polymorphic relations with pg_morph oct 14 rb
Simplify your life with pg_morph.
How Poodle Happened oct 14 ops
Detailled history about this last SSL hole.
CSS-Only Solution For UI Tracking oct 16 css3
CSS-only approach for tracking UI interactions using Google Analytics.
How to Conduct A Content Audit oct 16 web
For any kind of redesign project you may need to perform a content audit.
8 steps to move Rails view to Marionette oct 16 rb
Use Devise with AngularJS.
How to Set Up Authentication with AngularJS and Ruby on Rails oct 17 rb
Howto with code for moving rails views to backbone and marionette.
Clean Up After Your Capybara oct 17 rb
Avoid the tangled web of test code and markup.
Build a Custom API to Connect WordPress With Ruby on Rails oct 19 rb
The Grape gem for creating an API to expose a part of a Ruby on Rails based shopping cart to outside applications.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
RubyMotion for Rails Developers (16m) oct 13 mobile
Create a Hello World application in rubymotion.
AtoZ CSS: TranslateX (5m) oct 16 css3
Performance benefits of using translate over other methods.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant Robots 118 (37m) oct 13 web
Scare Yourself (Dan Martell).
Ruby5 502 (6m) oct 14 rb
RailsRumble, Ruby Motion for Rails devs, Ruby Hashes, data migrations, clean routes, better logs.
NodeUp 74 (47m) oct 14 js
A future of npm show.
Arrested DevOps 23 (1h) oct 14 ops
Managing Systems In The Cloud.
Ops All The Things 011 (50m) oct 14 ops
All About Attitude.
The Cloudcast #165 (28m) oct 15 ops
DevOps Automation as a Service.
Ruby5 503 (6m) oct 16 rb
Unary Operators, Writing fast Ruby, each_with_object, ES6 Transpiler, HStore.
Adventure in angular #12 (32m) oct 16 js
Ruby on Rails Podcast 172 (59m) oct 17 rb and Rails Rumble countdown.
Web Platform #14 (1h08) oct 17 js
Web Components Interop and Polymer.
The Ship Show 50 (1h04) oct 17 ops
Notes to Your Butler (jenkins).
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.