Fluky | |
Make you own wheel of fortune and roll it. |
Rails beginner cheatsheet | |
This is not a new site, but it can help onboard new rubyists. | |
Fast ruby | |
List of benchmarking examples of ruby code, comparing alternatives. | |
Mastering Modern Payments | |
(Book) Complete guide to getting paid with Stripe and Rails. | |
FormKeep | |
Form endpoints for designers and developers. | |
GildeRoom | |
Hangouts without the hangups (webrtc based). | |
Sublime Text Power User | |
(Book) Get intimate with Sublime Text. | |
Bee Free | |
Online mail composer for campaigns, by Mailup. | |
TinyScreen | |
A color display the size of your thumb. | |
React Fundamentals | |
Basic fundamentals of React to get you started. | |
Learn all the nodes | |
Screencasts about node.js. | |
Intro to D3.js | |
This tutorial provides a quick intro to D3.js (not a deep dive). | |
Building Web Apps with Go | |
(Book) Learn how to build and deploy web applications with Go.. |
Ruby Raptor | |
A radically new Ruby web server (to be released next month). | |
Ruboto 1.2.0 | |
JRuby on Android, new version. | |
Nightmare | |
A high level wrapper for Phantomjs. | |
Stack.gl | |
Open software ecosystem for WebGL, built on top of browserify and npm. | |
Pageres | |
Responsive website screenshots from the commandline. | |
EditorConfig | |
Helps developers maintain consistent coding styles between different editors. | |
Fig 1.0 | |
A ton of improvements in this release, including compatibility with boot2docker on OS X. | |
Dockerize | |
Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers. |
Build your own Google TV Using RaspberryPi, NodeJS and Socket.io | oct 13 |
Full tutorial based on the RaspberryPi-Tv project. | |
How Does Rails Handle Gems? | oct 13 |
How do Bundler, Rails, and RubyGems work together to make handling dependencies easy. | |
Leverage Bundler to Get Private Git Repos on Docker Images | oct 14 |
Handle gems based on private repos in docker images. | |
Polymorphic relations with pg_morph | oct 14 |
Simplify your life with pg_morph. | |
How Poodle Happened | oct 14 |
Detailled history about this last SSL hole. | |
CSS-Only Solution For UI Tracking | oct 16 |
CSS-only approach for tracking UI interactions using Google Analytics. | |
How to Conduct A Content Audit | oct 16 |
For any kind of redesign project you may need to perform a content audit. | |
8 steps to move Rails view to Marionette | oct 16 |
Use Devise with AngularJS. | |
How to Set Up Authentication with AngularJS and Ruby on Rails | oct 17 |
Howto with code for moving rails views to backbone and marionette. | |
Clean Up After Your Capybara | oct 17 |
Avoid the tangled web of test code and markup. | |
Build a Custom API to Connect WordPress With Ruby on Rails | oct 19 |
The Grape gem for creating an API to expose a part of a Ruby on Rails based shopping cart to outside applications. |
RubyMotion for Rails Developers (16m) | oct 13 |
Create a Hello World application in rubymotion. | |
AtoZ CSS: TranslateX (5m) | oct 16 |
Performance benefits of using translate over other methods. |
Giant Robots 118 (37m) | oct 13 |
Scare Yourself (Dan Martell). | |
Ruby5 502 (6m) | oct 14 |
RailsRumble, Ruby Motion for Rails devs, Ruby Hashes, data migrations, clean routes, better logs. | |
NodeUp 74 (47m) | oct 14 |
A future of npm show. | |
Arrested DevOps 23 (1h) | oct 14 |
Managing Systems In The Cloud. | |
Ops All The Things 011 (50m) | oct 14 |
All About Attitude. | |
The Cloudcast #165 (28m) | oct 15 |
DevOps Automation as a Service. | |
Ruby5 503 (6m) | oct 16 |
Unary Operators, Writing fast Ruby, each_with_object, ES6 Transpiler, HStore. | |
Adventure in angular #12 (32m) | oct 16 |
Directives. | |
Ruby on Rails Podcast 172 (59m) | oct 17 |
heyswell.com and Rails Rumble countdown. | |
Web Platform #14 (1h08) | oct 17 |
Web Components Interop and Polymer. | |
The Ship Show 50 (1h04) | oct 17 |
Notes to Your Butler (jenkins). |