
#009 - apr 06th 2013


awwwards link last week was pretty popular and for the less technical of our subscribers, here is a nice reading: Design for humans and I also can point out that last week began a free course on coursera about gamification (it just began it's still time to catch up). I think that from now on I will include some non-technical links in the edito.


Postgres 9 security release (1h10) apr 4
a massive security flaw in postgres is covered by this released (heroku is already updated).


What could be heard last week ..
RubyRogues 099 (1h25) apr 3
interesting review of new features in ruby 2.
Ruby5 358 (6m) apr 2
signed_form, rvm and 2.0, libreconv, kristin, pi_piper, hstore, sentimental, sinatra pipeline.
Ruby5 359 (7m) apr 5
postgres vulnerability, rails security, methods,, vim dispatch, flame graphs.
Javascript Jabber 054 (1h) apr 5
talk about javascript parsing, AST, and things about writing a language.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Big Ruby 2013 (15 talks) apr 3
thanks to Confreaks, the videos from the Big Ruby Conf on mar 1st in Dallas.
Fast Rails commands (8m) apr 4
the last free railscast, about zeus, spring, and rails commandline.
Gem love (5m) apr 1
part 2, about tests covering of a gem you write, fast and sharp as usual.
Ruby hangout (48m) apr 3
A remote hangout that begins to get more and more popular, this time about software license (part 1).
Building an app with ember.js (30m) mar 27
a walkthrough on the basics about that js buzz.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Interview with John Resig apr 5
the guy that made jQuery talks about his current fun with Khan academy.
Knockout.js apr 3
a long presentation of that javascript framework, with samples and test tricks.
Ruby Matrix apr 4
story about using matrices in ruby.
Vagrant in your workflow apr 2
a detailled article explaining how to add a VM in your deployment workflow.
Twitter authentication in Sinatra apr 4
example implementation with explained code for linking a sinatra app to the small blue bird.
Using GDB to inspect a running ruby apr 5
a quick hint about using GDB for having more debugging output from a running ruby process.
OAuth Bible apr 2
a great reference about all type of possible OAuth systems you can adopt.
Tools for website design apr 3
a review of 30 well known modern tools for making better websites.
Explicit vs Clever apr 2
a nice statement about benefit of clarity in code.
Avoiding the "this" probem in JS apr 4
some tricks to avoid the confusion of the this scoping.
Geek memes apr 5
well, this is just about geeks body language.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
is a set of mobile components built on rack, for iOs, from Heroku.
produces nice html5 charts using canvas
recently released a version 5.0, now free from gitolite as they rely on their own scripts
is yet another node web framework, but I list it here because the website looks good
is a ruby gem for analyzing human sentiments in social media


It's hard to pass it, there are so many Saas out there. This week again, some more API-focused services.
This is a showroom for designers, that can display their last creation. And many of them are very good.
Tuts+ Hub
A new tutorial portal from Net-Tuts, more than 7000 tutorials (dev and graphics)
A massive online platform to follow university cursus for free and from home. Including courses in french and chinese.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.