
#011 - apr 21th 2013


Hey btw, feel free to send us your news, links, discoveries for fresh content to (yeah this is a very short edito, isn't it ?)


What could be heard last week ..
RubyRogues 101 (1h34) apr 17
a discussion about diversity in the geek community, tolerance and mixed population..
Git Minutes 04 (55m) apr 15
this podcast is somehow recent but very good, focused on git users and makers, this week about gitorious (check the archives for past episodes too)
Ruby5 #362 (4m) apr 16
motionmeetup, jruby gsoc, linkedlists, module_function, hobbit, method cache, ruby threads.
Ruby5 #363 (7m) apr 19
dtrace, keep gem, gem development, pinglish, testing, linepipe.
Ruby Freelancer 057 (51m) apr 18
talking about projects with fixed bids
Javascript Jabber 056 (1h) apr 18
Marionette.js with Derick Bailey, a backbone.js overlay.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Ruby Tapas Freebie () apr 15
quick presentation of utility module_function, nice trick.
writing a rails engine (1h) apr 16
talk at east bay ruby meetup on march 19, featuring activeadmin.
Grunt javascript automation (51m) apr 15
another presentation from Html5DevConf.
SEO and rails apps (34m) apr 12
a big nerd ranch talk about pleasing google using all the tricks in the bag.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Functionnal programming using underscore.js apr 20
slides from by othree
Multi-db redis dev setup apr 16
details about redis setup and the rails config initialization.
Triggerino, an arduino base action trigger apr 18
a ruby port of Mercurio python application.
Ruby ampersand demystified apr 17
a pretty good explanation about passing those procs as arguments.
MRI method caches apr 14
many details about caching methods.
Unmentionned features of ruby 2.0 apr 14
a list of small feature changes with the new version of ruby.
Nunes with statsd apr 19
a gem to send debug info to statsd and instrumentalApp.
Preventing performance hit from custom fonts apr 17
various ways to avoid impacting the weight of fonts prematurely at page load.
IRC never left ! apr 16
a primer for people that don't know about irc yet (btw there is a #greenruby on freenode).
Basic rubygem development apr 17
all you need to know to publish your own gem.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
is a test running for javascript over rails apps
is a collaborative text editor (using node.js)
just released version 2, with no support for IE 6,7,8, great move
is a gem for using inclusion of google maps
is going to tell you how to make CSS the right way
Scorched earth
now has a the ruby version


It's hard to pass it, there are so many Saas out there. This week again, some more API-focused services.
A beautiful data management tool based on maps, with all the apis you need to add it in your projects.
A funny data pipeliner, connected to almost 200 APIs
A new solution from Mozilla Labs for online collaboration, beta but promising.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.