
#006 - mar 17th 2013


We got a new space online for our newsletter, have a look at A more collaborative website is in preparation and this simple page will evolve very soon


What could be heard last week ..
Ruby5 352 mar 12
rails 4, sourcemap, yard tomdoc, signed gems, css-splitter, webp-ffi.
Ruby5 353 mar 15
strong password, siteprism, rubygems, memory leaks, tracking leaks, glimpse.
Giant Robots 39 mar 11
discussion with Avdi Grimm, about ruby tapas, parley, and ruby patterns.
RubyRogues 096 mar 13
with Alex Gaylor about topaz, ruby on a python VM.
Javascript Jabber 051 mar 15
on finding a job, some general discussion about employment situation in the US. Skip this one if you look for any technical content.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Active model serializer mar 9
(free) about storing serialized objects in db.
faster images on chrome with webp mar 7
some explanation about that special google project.
Unfactoring mar 9
tenderlove speaks at Waza, lot of fun, plus good metaprogramming bits.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Websockets on rails 4 and ruby 2 mar 11
an example of use of the websocket-rails gem.
Ruby 2.0.0 in detail mar 12
when it says in details, it's really all very small details.
Javascript under control mar 14
some pointers on how to handle testing with jasmine on backbone with rails.
Ruby VCR to javascript mar 14
adaptation of the VCR testing setup to javascript using capybara and puffing-billy.
What's new in Sinatra 1.4 mar 9
a review of the new features of this lightweight web framework in ruby.
Differences between 'and' and '&&' mar 8
some decent explanation about those apparently identical operators in ruby
Community index march 2013 mar 12
Ruby surpasses Perl in the TIOBE index.
interwindow messaging with localStorage mar 9
small trick with the browser.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Identity Cache
adds memcached to activerecord models
Ajaxify Rails
background loading of content via ajax
Complexity report
for evaluating javascript code complexity
Jenkins api client
for interacting with your CI from any ruby app
i18n tools
for extracting missing and unused translations in rails
Rapid hash
for building quickly API clients
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.