
#027 - aug 11th 2013


Here is another weekly bunch of links. Just so you know, there is only 55 subscribers so it's very confidential. But as I was telling a friend recently, even with no subscribers I would keep track of links that way anyways. So why not reach the extra yard to make it sharable? And actually, if I had too much mails to sent I would have to pay mailchimp. I'm so much totally not into business! And thanks Xenor for the weekly links he sends me. Feel free to also contribute if you have some links you want to promote.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Devs Do Art web
Dev do art .. that only other devs can understand.
Painting A Social Portrait web
A dev challenge presented as a story with nice html effects.
Weekly animated gifs web
Tiny simple animation, nice looking.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Nitrous tool
Setup dev box and quick cloud coding in no time.
Nodechecker js
Interesting tool, checking npm packages (in docker containers), to see if they have tests.
/mentoring js
A distributed mentoring movement. An ancestor of pairwithme ?


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Devise rb
Devise has been reported to be vulnerable to CSRF token fixation attacks. Update yours !
Breach-mitigation-rails rb
Make Rails apps more resilient against the BREACH and CRIME attacks.
yED tool
I was looking for a tool like Dia, and found that one, that has great features.
Harpjs js
An open-source web server with built-in pre-processing.
Grunt-loader js
A modular approach for grunt configuration. Forget about your Gruntfile.
Covim tool
A Vim plugin for collaborative editing, allowing multiple users to connect to the same document.
Framer js
A prototyping tool for animation and interaction on desktop and mobile. Generates from photoshop.
Riml tool
Relaxed Viml. Like coffeescript, but for vimscriprt, kinda.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Intro to Tmux aug 1 tool
Step by step ramp up on Tmux, for terminal lovers.
What are blocks, procs, and lambdas? aug 5 rb
The subtle differences between those ways to perform closure in ruby.
Why Nobody Should Use Rails For Anything, Ever aug 6 rb
A pretty strong opinion from someone that dislikes rails, and explains why.
HTML5 And The Incredible Editable Web aug 6 js
Inline editing web pages with Kendo UI editor.
Top 100 Agile Books aug 7 tool
These are the 100 best Agile Books in the world, based on reviews and ratings on Amazon and GoodReads.
15 Online HTML5 Tools to Speed Up Coding aug 8 html5
A good collection of online services mostly helpful for html devs.
SEO for Ruby on Rails aug 8 rb
All the tricks for getting sure search engines won't forget about you.
Getting to Docker 1.0 aug 8 tool
The roadmap for this tool that gets a lot of pressure on it recently.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
RubyConf india 2013 (3 videos) rb
Some presentations from ruby conf india end of june.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 60 (34m) aug 5 rb
Discussion with Patrick McKenzie about effective business practices and advice for optimal page design.
Ruby5 392 (6m) aug 6 rb
Breach, state_machine, ar-jdbc, ultrahook, vim-rspec, emoj_spec.
RubyRogues 117 (1h20) aug 7 rb
Discourse Part 2 with Sam Saffron and Robin Ward.
Ruby5 393 (6m) aug 9 rb
&&=, verbal expressions, refactoring, skeuocard, 2-factor auth.
Javascript Jabber 070 (1h06) aug 9 js
Book Club: JavaScript Allongé with Reginald Braithwaite.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.