
#041 - nov 17th 2013


We don't have many new videos this week, but there are a bunch of articles. You also can check out the project of documentary about aaron or the progress of flynn.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Google BBS
Google search in a BBS console, with the sound for the nostalgic.
Mike Tucker
An interesting use of js physics engine for a portfolio.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Code Cube tool
A simple CodePen-like editor for C, Go, Python, and Ruby.
Regexper tool
A visual explanation of your regexps.
Github explore mail tool
Interesting repositories delivered to your inbox.
Node Streams js
A Node.js Stream Playground.
Remote Debug tool
Initiative to unify remote debugging across browsers.
TraceView and Ruby: Now Open Source! rb
The TraceView Ruby Instrumentation Gem.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails Assets rb
Frictionless proxy between Bundler and Bower.
Leibniz rb
Automated Infrastructure Acceptance Testing. Or cucumber for chef.
Resumable rb
A js library providing multiple simultaneous, stable and resumable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
Active Importer rb
Define importers that load tabular data from spreadsheets or CSV files into any ActiveRecord-like ORM.
Identity rb
Login and OAuth management service from Heroku.
Gobot go
The go sister of artoo and cylon for controlling robots in Golang.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Migrate to rspec 3 nov 08 rb
A bunch os changes coming in the new Rspec.
Why Japanese Web Design Is So… Different nov 10 web
Why japanese are so different (and also other asiatic ones).
Four years of Go nov 10 go
Nov 10 marked the fourth anniversary of Go as an open source project.
Why You Should Never Use MongoDB nov 11 tool
Sarah Mei shares her experience with noSQL architectures.
GO essential nov 11 go
A collection of resources for programmers trying GO for the first time.
VIM is your new IDE nov 11 tool
Kill all the GUIs. Mouse is your enemy. Keyboard is your only friend.
Production Logging for Sinatra Applications nov 12 rb
Logging for Sinatra applications can be a bit tricky.
An Introduction To DOM Events nov 12 js
Very extensive overview of DOM events.
Advanced JavaScript Debugging with console.table() nov 13 js
An alternative to console.log.
OAuth as Single Sign On nov 14 rb
The Heroku identity server denystified.
Node.js Stream Playground nov 15 js
Presentation of the streams playground made by John Resig.
On the state of HStore nov 15 ops
Some comparison between HStore and MongoDB Performance.
Two simple ruby dsl examples nov 16 rb
Writing your won DSL is fun, check those examples.
Faking Remote Services with Rack::Test nov 16 rb
Ww have more and more external services included in applications, here is how to handle their testing.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Sass Bites #14 (17m) nov 14 css3
Compass and the Config.rb file.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 74 (32m) nov 11 tool
With thoughtbot developer Sean Griffin about scala and ruby..
RubyRogues 131 (1h38) nov 11 rb
How to Learn, read books, etc.
Ruby5 419 (5m) nov 15 rb
marco-polo, bittersm smaller payloads, heroku open source auth, heroku postgres 2, motion in motion.
Javascript Jabber 084 (51m) nov 15 js
Node with Mikeal Rogers.
The Changelog 112 (1h06) nov 16 css3
Foundation 5 with Jonathan Smiley and Mark Hayes.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.