
#040 - nov 10th 2013


Hey btw if you want to have a chat you always can jump on @greenruby on Xenor and I are sitting there the whole day. This week you may notice a little change in the category icons.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Static showdown
The Static Showdown is a worldwide 48 hour hackathon featuring static web apps (feb 1-2 2014).
NSA File decoded
Beyond the topic of this page, checkout the layout and styling, it's pretty well done


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Git cheatsheet tool
A visual quick list of git commands.
Size Calculator tool
A simple calculator of size according to viewing distance.
Font Combiner tool
Generate your own font with fine control over kerning, subsetting, hinting and combinations.
Glyph Search tool
Search for icons from Font Awesome, Glyphicons, and Ionicons.
Zeroes in js js
A table for predicting zero comparisons in javascript.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Hoodie js
Hoodie is a noBackend architecture for frontend-only web apps.
Dokku ops
Docker powered mini-Heroku in around 100 lines of Bash.
Minegems rb
Private gem hosting deployable on Heroku.
Artoo rb
Artoo is a micro-framework for robotics.
Cylon.js js
JavaScript framework for robotics and physical computing using Node.js.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Creating Non-Rectangular Layouts with CSS Shapes nov 04 css3
Advanced techniques for css layouts.
The Product Design Sprint nov 06 design
A detailled agile-like process for product design.
Building Vagrant Machines with Packer nov 07 ops
Packer lets you build Virtual Machine Images for different providers from one json file.
Why the future is NOT RESTful nov 07 web
An interesting projection about the client-server relationship in web based apps.
Break Apart Rails Monoliths Using This 1 Weird Trick nov 07 rb
Move out your business logic !
Ruby apps best practices nov 08 rb
A list of conventions shared by a lead engineer.
Transform Websites Into Maps nov 08 tool
A walkthrough for combining CartoDB and
5 Simple Tips From Gem-Building nov 09 rb
If you didn't yet publish any gem, why not give it a try ?


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Chef webinar (5 videos) ops
Already 4 cideos about chef are published in that webinar, very good quality.
Sass Bites #14 (27m) nov 07 css3
Chris Eppstein and powered Compass.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 72 (33m) nov 04 tool
with Drew Neil, creator of about teaching writing and workshopping vim.
Ruby5 417 (5m) nov 05 rb
rails 4.0.1, cleaning yaml, invoker, devops for devs, angular on rails, rails rumble winners.
Food fight show (1h04) nov 05 ops
Livin' on the Edge With Al Tobey.
RubyRogues 130 (56m) nov 06 rb
Data Visualization with Aja Hammerly.
Javascript Jabber 083 (42m) nov 08 js
FRP and RxJS with Matthew Podwysocki.
The Changelog 111 (54m) nov 09 js
Hoodie, noBackend and offline-first with Caolan McMahon.
Ruby5 418 (9m) nov 09 rb
Terence Lee, Jim Gay, Mike Perham live from ruby conf at miami beach.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.