
#065 - may 4th 2014


Hey if you know rails and are between jobs, why not come to Taiwan teach a few months ? Check this announce (pdf), this may be the occasion (it's paid and hosted).


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Guillaume Juvenet
A simple but nicely done resume website.
The expressive web
Showcase of some of the newest features being added to the web today (by adobe).


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Sublime Text Cheat Sheet for Ruby & RoR rb
A handy PDF to print and stick on your wall.
Dorm Room Tycoon web
Insightful interviews for designers, hackers and startup founders.
Google web fundamentals web
Comprehensive resource for multi-device web development.
ASCII to PNG tool
Instantly makes png out of ascii charts.
Perfect Icons tool
The easiest way to create resolution independent social icons.
Pesticide css3
Faster CSS layout debugging chrome extension.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Nodegh tool
GitHub command line tools.
Synvert rb
Convert ruby code to better syntax (also helpful for rails upgrade to 4.0).
Various rb
simple ActionPack::Variant configuration for Rails 4.1.
Ahoy rb
Simple, powerful visit tracking for Rails.
Sandimeter rb
Static analysis tool for checking Ruby code for Sandi Metz' rules.
Oauthd js
The open source version of the core.
Circular js
An open source Buffer app.
Velocity js
Accelerated JavaScript animation as jQuery plugin.
jQuery 1.11.1 and 2.1.1 js
A new jquery with some bug fixed.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
SSH Kung Fu apr 27 ops
A great list of tips for having a deeper use of SSH.
Go, Robots and Code Refactoring apr 28 go
A dive into gobots, an occasion for some go tips.
Vagrant as Docker-Based Development Environments apr 28 ops
Feature Preview of the next 1.6 version of Vagrant.
Test-induced design damage apr 29 tool
DHH strikes again on his recent argument against TDD.
Mastering Rails Validations: Contexts apr 29 rb
Skip validations in Rails depending on contexts.
Gourmet Service Objects apr 29 rb
A pattern for service objects explained.
Git Workflows That Work may 2 tool
Review of 4 different git workflows.
Guarding with arrays may 3 rb
A simple trick for prettier arrays iterations.
Speeding Up ActiveRecord Tests may 3 rb
A trick to avoid loading the whole rails env while testing models.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
RailsConf 2014 Recap: Day 4 with Aaron Patterson (4m) apr 26 rb
Short recap, tenderlove relaunches the beard fashion.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #96 (35m) apr 28 web
Business is Hard (Jeff Casimir from The Turing School).
NodeUp 62 (1h02) apr 28 web
a nodeconf 2014 show.
Product Hunt Radio 3 (29m) apr 29 web
About products, from selfie apps to new innovative healthcare solutions.
Ruby5 460 (7m) apr 29 rb
Various, what's next, railsreloader, capistrano, angular, PG power.
Food fight show 72 (1h09) apr 29 ops
Cookbook Patterns.
Ruby Rogues 154 (1h07) apr 30 rb
Indie Game Development with Megan Fox.
Javascript Jabber 106 (48m) apr 30 js
Protractor with Julie Ralph (angular testing).
TheChangelog 120 (1h11) may 2 rb
Ruby tooling, chruby, ruby-install, and security with Postmodern.
Ruby5 461 (5m) may 2 rb
test-induced design damage, priscilla, advanced rake, mutation testing, worldcup2014.db.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.