
#070 - jun 8th 2014


This week I'm adding at the very bottom the devtips of the week. I had some positive feedback about them. So adding quick links may be of interest because they cover the same fullstack webdev topics as this newsletter.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Build in Amsterdam
A design company website, with neat navigation.
The keyless keyboard of the future.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Sysadmin Casts ops
imple bite sized sysadmin screencasts (released weekly).
Tech Talks Hub tool
A listing of Tech Talks.
The Odin Project tool
Online free courses to learn all about webdev.
Shape Catcher tool
Unicode character recognition: draw the shape, it gives the code.
FlexJobs tool
Look for a remote job? give that one a look.
GemBundle rb
A discovery engine for ruby gems (work in progress).
Go Native mobile
Transform any website in native code for iOS and android.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rspec 3 rb
Tons of great new features.
Brakeman 2.6.0 rb
This release introduces significant changes to how and when files are parsed.
Dawn rb
Docker-based PaaS in Ruby.
Logstash pluginbase ops
A base repo to make Logstash plugins.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Setting up for infrastructure development jun 2 ops
Local MacOSX environment for development and testing with Test Kitchen and Vagrant.
Option pattern in Ruby jun 2 rb
Examples use the Possibly gem.
Why Swift Will Never Replace RubyMotion jun 3 mobile
Swift from Apple makes a buzz in iOS dev, but rubymotion is not going to die.
A Rails Development Environment with Docker and Vagrant jun 3 rb
How-to for setting up a rails dev env.
YAGNI methods slow us down jun 4 rb
OutputBuffer subclasses SafeBuffer which forces us to do runtime checks that are probably unnecessary.
Know Ruby: String Accessor jun 4 rb
Deep dive into the use of [] with strings.
The Toolbox Bundler Group jun 4 rb
A clever approach for managing Gemfile content.
PSD Viewing & Diffing on github jun 5 design
Now gitub supports diff on photoshop files.
Rails 4.1 Enums: How Not to Handle States jun 5 rb
Shout out against blind enum state machines.
The History of Vim jun 5 tool
Small recap of where vim comes from, in preparation of a new vim book.
How I discovered CCS Injection Vulnerability jun 5 ops
History of the discovery of CVE-2014-0224 from last week.
Automating Web Performance Measurement jun 6 js
The PageSpeed Insights as a node module.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
From Parallel to Concurrent (42m) may 29 go
Talk of Rob Pike about Golang.
Interview with Deis CTO, Gabriel Monroy (32m) jun 2 ops
Learn more about docker for PaaS.
Introducing the Polymer Designer tool (18m) jun 2 html5
Polymer has an IDE now.
#DOXLON DevOps Exchange – Deployment with Containers (3 videos) jun 3 ops
Polymer has an IDE now.
Using Docker & Ansible by John Minnihan (32m) jun 4 ops
Video from the DevOps track at Gluecon 2014.
Simple introduction to CoreOS (33m) jun 6 ops
Interview with the CEO and CTO of CoreOS, Alex Polvi and Brandon Philips.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #101 (39m) jun 2 rb
Developing Skills (Alex Fox, Jatin Bhandari).
Product Hunt Radio 8 (37m) jun 3 web
About betaworks new mobile game, anonymous social apps in schools, various other things.
Ruby5 469 (7m) jun 3 rb
RSpec 3, Git 2, bower-rails, JSON responses with PostgreSQL, serialization & enumeration.
Ruby Rogues 159 (1h26) jun 4 rb
Hacking Education with Saron Yitbarek.
Javascript Jabber 111 (1h08) jun 4 js
The Ember.js Project with Erik Bryn.
Food Fight Show june 2014 (1h12) jun 4 ops
Chef Metal with it's creator, John Keiser.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #153 (1h11) jun 5 rb
Ben Hundley - elasticsearch & Qbox.
Code Pen 014 (34m) jun 5 web
Security in Codepen.
Ruby5 470 (5m) jun 6 rb
Rails and Sinatra, Protocol Buffers, HTTP API design, dat science.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
Wrap nil with try and avoid errors rb
Codemirror for mail templates and limit user errors js
Git 2 push from matching to simple tool
fs_usage debug for js compilation tool
Photoshop custom sharpen with a cloned overlay design
Media queries from scratch because small is beautiful css3
Vim leader key from outer space tool
Make a gem it's simpler than what it looks rb
Restore user data from a mysql db ops
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.