
#078 - aug 3rd 2014


This week Airconf begins. It's an interesting remote conference about remote pairing, collaboration, and various technical topics. It lasts 4 weeks during august. Be sure to check it out.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Mobile UI Design Patterns 2014
(book) A Deeper Look At the Hottest Apps Today.
KLM flat or not
It's not about flat design, just a very animated website about seats at KLM.
A Comprehensive Reading List for and by Designers
A list of 75 books for designer.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
UXpin design
UX design tool online.
DryStorm rb
Create Rails apps faster.
StopLight web
A Powerful HTTP Testing Tool.
Mailto Ninja web
A contact form on your site with one JavaScript file.
Cron checker ops
Cron commands explained in plain English.
A tmux Primer tool
from 'wtf tmux' to 'omg tmux' with extreme haste.
Boot Bundle css3
Complete collection of stuff to make Bootstrap better.
CSS triggers css3
Definitive reference for what is triggered by changing various CSS properties.
Metaprogramming Ruby 2 rb
(book) Revised and updated second edition of the Metaprogramming Ruby book.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Terraform ops
Common configuration to launch infrastructure from servers to email and DNS providers.
Ocrad.js js
Pure-javascript version of the Ocrad project for OCR in js.
Critical CSS css3
Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS from HTML (for faster initial rendering).
Active Mocker rb
Create mocks from ActiveRecord models and run them without loading rails or running a database.
ActiveModel::Otp rb
Adds methods to set and authenticate against one time passwords in rails.
Pg Hero rb
Postgresql Database insights made easy, as a mountable engine.
Ember cli js
The command line interface for Ember.js.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Looking Backward: Ten Years on Rails jul 28 rb
Good retrospective of actually 42 (!) years of history that led to Rails where it is now.
4 Simple Memoization Patterns in Ruby jul 28 rb
Memoization patterns explained.
Optimizing docker images jul 28 ops
Great article on how to reduce docker image sizes.
Refactoring — Not on the backlog! jul 29 tool
On why integrate refactoring inside existing stories.
Most Loved Ruby on Rails Open Source Projects jul 29 rb
Best open source Ruby on Rails projects (ranked by the amount of stars on Github).
Party more quietly jul 29 rb
Avdi Grimm's pull request to well known httparty gem.
Fullscreen form interface jul 30 css3
Concept to allow distraction-free form filling with some fancy animations.
Points Of Interest jul 30 css3
To highlight the points of interest of your products.
CodePen's CSS jul 30 css3
Chris Coyer explains how they do CSS at CodePen.
Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages aug 1 rb
STory of a migration from Wordpress to Jekyll.
Adding GFM in your Rails application aug 2 rb
GitHub Flavored Markdown with syntax highlighting.
The State of Highly-Available Syslog aug 2 ops
Some thoughts thrown on logs collection.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Introduction to Docker (16m) jul 28 ops
A quick illustrated overview of Docker, with a demo.
Express-CDN (7m) jul 28 js
How-to for adding a CDN assets delivery with the Express framweork.
AtoZ CSS: media (7m) jul 29 css3
Two approaches for tackling page layout in responsive design.
Swift for JavaScript Developers (55m) jul 30 mobile
Swift for JavaScript Developers, Similarities & Differences.
GitHub Flow (1h) jul 31 tool
Collaborating effectively using Git and GitHub.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #109 (36m) jul 28 web
Venturing Thru Capital (Alex Taussig).
Web platform #3 (58m) jul 28 js
GoAngular & The GoInstant Platform (but seems there is no relationship with golang).
CodePen 018 (44m) jul 28 web
Digging into search engine optimization (SEO).
Ruby5 484 (6m) jul 29 rb
Rails 4.2 sanitizer, ActiveMocker, validation_auditor, Timeouts in CRuby, Roar, RubyConf Portugal.
Ruby Rogues 167 (1h08) jul 30 rb
Speaking at Conferences.
Javascript Jabber 119 (55m) jul 30 js
Chrome Apps with Joe Marini.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #161 (1h07) jul 31 rb
Peter Cooper - Ruby Weekly.
Ruby5 485 (5m) aug 1 rb
Capistrano tutos, memoization patterns, Mocaroni, middleman-presentation, RubyConf 2014.
NodeUp 69 (1h44) aug 2 js
A peer-to-peer show.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
Association merging and don't forget to .reload rb
Rename current file in vim without getting out of it tool
Gist in Sublimetext with the gist plugin tool
Collapsable div according to the width of container css3
Chrome Developer Tools keyboard shortcuts tool
Animated screen capture and the gif gets alive tool
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.