
#077 - jul 27th 2014


For those that live in Taiwan (or plan to pay us a visit on this amazingly geeky island) note in your calendar the Rails Pacific conference in september. Also, I hope you hugged your favorite sysadmin on friday. Puppetlab organized a gif contest on the topic, but I really prefer the gifs from DevOps reactions. (and yeah, the sysadminday website went down on sysadmin day, pretty ironically).


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Sticky pixel art for your walls.
Built With Ember
Ambitious web applications built using Ember.js.
Random Excuse Generator
hmm, would be nice to have such a service with an API for our error 500 pages.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Security Data Science Papers ops
Many security research papers/slides.
PrepBootstrap css3
Bootstrap Themes and Templates.
the Firehose Project web
Web Development Apprenticeship Curriculum, with 1-1 mentorship.
Binary Tree ops
IT documentation without the need for thousands of huge spreadsheets. ops
Free DNS resolver.
Polymer Design Tool js
Visual code editor for working with the Polymer Web Components library.
Speaking JavaScript js
(book) For a deep dive into Javascript (free online, or buy a paper version).
Elixir for the functional rubyist rb
(book) Learn Elixir basics compared to Ruby, and more.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Dashing rb
Sinatra based framework that lets you build beautiful dashboards.
DbCharmer ops
Rails plugin that significantly extends ActiveRecord’s ability to work with multiple databases.
CoreOS ops
Version 367.1.0 is the first stable release, one year after the first alpha.
OctoHost ops
Simple web focused Docker based mini-PaaS server.
Goiardi ops
A Chef server written in Go, able to run entirely in memory.
Devstep tool
Development environment builder powered by Docker and buildpacks.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Multi-tenancy in Rails jul 21 rb
Overview of some basic principles of multi-tenancy in rails apps.
The Open Source Identity Crisis jul 21 web
Essay about the Open Source culture and patterns.
A Compendium of SVG Information jul 22 css3
A huge pile of information about SVG.
GitHub's CSS jul 23 css3
Development details of how Github manages its CSS.
What's the Most Popular Ruby Library? jul 23 rb
Result of some data mining on public gems.
New HTML sanitizer in Rails 4.2 jul 24 rb
Essay about the Open Source culture and patterns.
9 Things I Like About Go jul 24 go
Good details about what makes Go such a popular choice.
Why Postgres Won't Always Use an Index jul 25 rb
The clever way of using index or not, and the way to find out how.
Guide to Responsive-Friendly CSS Columns jul 25 css3
CSS columns have decent support (IE10+) and still require prefixes on all properties.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
The future of docker (52m) jul 22 ops
Interview with Jeff Lindsay, creator of Dokku, about Flynn and all the Docker ecosystem.
Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS (5m) jul 21 rb
To disable the submit button and display a loading animation when a user submits the form.
AtoZ CSS: line-height (6m) jul 22 css3
Some different uses of line-height in CSS.
IPFS: The Permanent Web (40m) jul 22 ops
IPFS is a global, versioned, peer-to-peer file system.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #108 (33m) jul 21 web
Picking Your Obsession (Brett Van Zuiden).
Product Hunt 15 (35m) jul 22 web
About a wearable smart ring, an app to command your friends, and a fun TapTalk meta game Susan.
Ruby5 482 (6m) jul 22 rb
Gutter, Programming is Not Math, RubyCritic, Vim Plugins for Ruby, Classes in Ruby, RailsPacific.
Web platform #2 (58m) jul 22 html5
Prototyping with Purpose.
DevOps Cafe 50 (45m) jul 22 ops
Adrian Cockcroft, Freedom and Responsibility. (return of this podcast after 6 month of silence)
DevOps Cafe 51 (1h) jul 22 ops
Michael Coté and Jay Lyman, Analyzing with the Analyzers.
Ruby Rogues 166 (1h07) jul 23 rb
Polyglot Programming.
Javascript Jabber 118 (55m) jul 23 js
Web Developer Skills.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #160 (1h20) jul 25 rb
Sean Devine - Interviewee & Pony.
Ruby5 483 (6m) jul 25 rb
Rails Rumble, Debug Anything, Clone and dup, Speeding up Rails.
Product Hunt 16 (46m) jul 26 web
About emojis, GIFs, podcast apps.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team .. or .gitignore as a service tool
Gsub in String subclass will not recognize its global variables rb
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.