
#008 - mar 30th 2013


If you look for some design inspiration you should go have a look at the 2013 awwwards nominees list, there is a damn lot of really great design out there. But if you are more into technical aspects of web development, read on, there is a lot for you just below.


What could be heard last week ..
RubyRogues 098 (1h) mar 27
discussion with Davy Stevenson about DRb.
Ruby5 356 (5m) mar 26
rails update, irb, local pull requests, why ruby, tuning, pry-doc, git bisect.
Ruby5 357 (7m) mar 29
concurrent indexes, exceptional, vagrant and rubygems, mobile, igata, teacup.
Giant Robots 41 (35m) mar 25
discussion with Chad Pytel about Thoughbot services.
Hansel Minutes 363 (35m) mar 22
HTML5, javascript and chrome with Paul Irish (chrome dev team, h5bp).
Javascript Jabber 053 (1h) mar 29
about Software Teams dynamics. Not very technical, more about team problems.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Guard is your best friend (13m) mar 28
small demo of guard and various of its plugins.
HTML5.tx mar 01
a great collection of talks about HTML5.
Custom filters in CSS (36m) mar 25
those css shaders are a special feature, similar to webGL, to add 3D effects on the DOM.
Jasmine tactics screencast (1h15) mar 21
a raw session of writing tests for javascript.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Rails insecure default mar 27
a good review of 13 default rails behaviours and some tips about them.
illustrated phases of a dev career mar 24
this enters in the category Humour. Sorry about it.
Node chatroom mar 23
yet another tuto for chatroom but this one is really detailled.
RVM Autolibs mar 27
news on rvm and ruby 2.0 by mpapis.
Git subtrees mar 28
an interesting alternative to git submodules to share code between repos.
The repository pattern mar 23
an interesting way to decouple database abstraction from the code.
Redis set and space-time mar 26
an article describing the Set type of redis.
Boosting rails dev workflow mar 28
a list of useful gems and how to use them, all actually well known but maybe you miss one or two in your pocket.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
just released v0.11.0 with a pretty long changelog
is a javascript executor in slow motion, great for debug
Tumblr APIv2
published a lot of code recently there
makes easy visual user guides on the top of websites
shipped version 1.0.0
geo google
helps convert addresses into geo data using google API
is a new lightweight alternative to rails
is an alternative to jQuery/UI based on components for HTML5


It's hard to pass it, there are so many Saas out there. This week again, some more API-focused services.
Very nifty html/js/css demo playground.
Still in beta, this one is a gatherer of geek activity, providing a damn long list of connection to places where the geeks belong.
This one is a directory of 700 Saas, a really complete overview of all many interesting (or not) services online
An online editor focused on sharing web development ideas
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.