
#063 - apr 19th 2014


On friday I will get to RubyConf Taiwan and will spread some Green Ruby stickers. I sent some last week and can send some more. If you would like to have some just contact me. Another notable event this week was the release of ubuntu 14.04, I installed the gnome version on my desktop and it's running pretty well.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
How to Lie with Data Visualization
Graphs are powerful, here are some perverted examples.
JavaScript adventure game, where some js coding is required to pass levels.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
GitHub Cheat Sheet tool
A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
Shadow DOM CSS Cheat Sheet css3
Track the progress of all the new CSS selectors which affect the Shadow DOM.
How to X tool
Still in beta on invite, will enable the deployment of github repos for testing it.
Wit tool
Natural Language for the Internet of Things.
API glossary tool
Learn the lingo of Application Programming Interfaces and the acronyms, design patterns and tools that surround them.
Snap CI tool
The very automated, totally intuitive, hosted CI platform.
This week in rails tool
Interesting commits, pull requests and more from Rails. Sent every friday by mail.
localtunnel tool
Allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Chef DK ops
An official Development Kit for Chef finally.
Overcast ops
A simple, SSH-based cloud management CLI.
PourOver js
Library for simple, fast filtering and sorting of large collections in the browser.
Tamper js
Serialization protocol for categorical data.
Huginn rb
Build agents that monitor and act on your behalf.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Ruby's OptionParser Is All You Need apr 11 rb
Keep it simple for comman line ruby apps.
Recursion and Memoization apr 12 rb
Solving recursive methods by memoization approach.
Postgresql Array and Hstore Column Reference apr 14 rb
Postgres has some special types, here is how ActiveRecord handles them.
A Quick Guide to Sublime Text apr 14 tool
Get to know Sublime Text, a compilation of hints.
Building a Recipe Search Site with Angular and Elasticsearch apr 15 js
Use Elasticsearch as your entire backend.
Adding Versions to a Rails API apr 16 rb
Example of Rails API versioning.
Some Docker Tips and Tricks apr 16 ops
Serie of useful tricks when you start playing with docker.
An Introduction to the MEAN Stack apr 17 js
MEAN is an acronym for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Objective-C for Rubyists (23m) apr 3 tool
Overview of the syntax and semantics of Objective-C and comparison it with Ruby.
Controlling an Arduino with NodeJS and Johnny-Five (20m) apr 16 js
This video aims to help those new to Arduinos and NodeJS understand the basics of getting started.
CSS Animation & Progressive Enhancement (6m) apr 15 css3
CSS tricks involving a kitten.


What could be heard last week ..
CodePen podcast 008 (42m) apr 9 web
bad guys: the people that make life difficult for the CodePen community.
Giant robots #94 (36m) apr 14 web
The Nature of Writing (Diana Zmuda, Jessie Young about iOS and rails).
Product Hunt Radio 1 (42m) apr 15 rb
The inaugural episode of this new podcast. Geeking about products.
Ruby5 456 (6m) apr 15 rb
Heartbleed, ruby survey, enums, istats, activeadmin customizations.
Ruby Rogues 152 (1h08) apr 16 rb
The New York Times and Ruby with Jacqui Maher.
Javascript Jabber 104 (59m) apr 16 js
Hypermedia APIs with Steve Klabnik.
TheChangelog 117 (1h10) apr 16 go
Go, Martini and Gophercasts with Jeremy Saenz.
Ruby5 457 (6m) apr 18 rb
rippersnapper, pliny, thread_safe, invoicing, recursion and memoization, gitql, bad controllers.
TheChangelog 118 (1h12) apr 18 css3
The Sass Way and Open Publishing with John Long.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.