
#037 - oct 20th 2013


Last week I played a bit with cartodb to make a map or subscribers from the csv export from mailchimp. The result is pretty neat. About the news, this week we get a lot of links to the recent ruby and rails confs, and a lot of more things.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
HTML5 Websites For Inspiration
21 websites with innovative design.
Squishy Earth
A pretty funny physics experiment using hammer.js. Pretty good reactivity.
Generator Redux
291 lines of WebGL shader code.
Design Jargon Bullshit
Quotes from designers that like to use words (too much).


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Slant tool
Looks a bit like stackoverflow but more focused on making points about generic questions.
Generate Data tool
A tool to generate random data files for testing in your apps.
Free programming books tool
A giant list of free programming books.
Wripe tool
An online notepad that looks promising.
Workman Keyboard Layout tool
QWERTY is not the only way.
Send to dropbox tool
A way to send files to your dropbox via mail.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 4.0.1rc1 rb
A whole lot of bugfixes, plus speed improvements.
Rails 3.2.15 rb
This is a security release related to action mailer, but with also some bugfixes.
Mocoso rb
Another stub & mock library for Ruby.
Dropzone js
Drag'n'drop file uploads with image previews.
Whipped Cream rb
A tool for creating web servers for raspberry PI.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
The Unexpected Outcomes Of Code Review oct 09 tool
Find out why the value of code review is probably not what you expect.
Adding search to Rails apps with Elasticsearch oct 10 rb
A fast and easy way to add search to your Rails application with Elasticsearch abd Searchkick.
Threads in Ruby oct 14 rb
Explanation and examples around ruby threads.
Ember Components – Reusable Building Blocks oct 14 js
Review on how Ember.js approaches the web component principles.
ActiveModel::Serializers Rewrite oct 15 rb
What's next in upcoming ActiveModel::Serializer 0.9.
Communicating Animation Ideas oct 16 mobile
Review of some tools that can help bringing animations to your interfaces.
10 Quick Ruby Tricks oct 17 rb
Some nice tricks about badly known ruby syntaxes.
How to prevent FOUC on your websites oct 18 css3
Discover ways to stop Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) from occurring on your sites.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Windy city Railsconf 2013 (19 videos) rb
Check those out, there are amazing speakers.
Gogaruco 2013 (21 videos) oct 09 rb
Check those out, there are amazing speakers.
Nickel city rubyconf 2013 (2 videos) oct 11 rb
A couple of presentations.
Rocky Mountain rubyconf 2013 (4 videos) oct 12 rb
The 4th rubyconf in boulder.
Chef Fundamentals Webinar Series (40m) oct 17 rb
First module of an Opscode webinar about Chef, should last 6 weeks.
Command line apps (32m) oct 19 rb
Examples of command line apps with node (commander) and ruby (thor).


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 70 (40m) oct 14 rb
With Jeff Atwood about Discourse, forum software, and soylent.
Ruby5 410 (7m) oct 15 rb
refactor, shrimp, travis, ruby stack, cookies.
RubyRogues 127 (1h37) oct 16 rb
Discussion about general aspects of ruby and gems development.
The Changelog 108 (56m) oct 16 rb with Katrina Owen.
Ruby5 412 (6m) oct 18 rb
Rubinius X, activemodel serializer, parallel test with docker, angularjs, rails.env.
Javascript Jabber 080 (58m) oct 18 js
Impact.js with Dominic Szablewski.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.