
#084 - sep 14th 2014


If you are not far from Denver in the US, you may need to know that this week there is the Denver Startup Week by Thoughtbot. I hope they will put some videos online.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
No more snooze design
Sleep, the scientific approach, plus the brutal approach.
For the badges design
Badges for badge sake.
Nice Portfolio design
A curated showcase of the best design portfolios on the web.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Git Colony tool
Submit your code, get it reviewed by the colony. Code review gamified. tool
Typing Practice for Programmers.
Secrets of the Browser Developer Tools tool
Covers developer tools in Chrome, Firebug, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.
10 Free Books for Learning JavaScript js
Stay up to speed with Javascript.
Githut tool
Github languages statistics.
CommonMark tool
A strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown.
Polyfill as a Service html5
A CDN for polyfills.
Gulp fiction js
Online Gulpfile builder.
TinyCert ops
Free SSL certificates for developers.
Git pretty ops
Printable chart of various possible git operations.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 4.1.6 and 4.0.10 rb
No big change in this release, essentially bug fixes.
Upmin-admin rb
An admin dashboard engine for rails, similar to active-admin.
ThemeBandit rb
Convert any site theme template (Wordpress, Joomla, etc) into a rack application.
factory_girl-preload rb
Preload factories just like fixtures.
Hello.js js
Client-side Javascript SDK for authenticating with OAuth2.
DataCollection.js js
Manipulate data from API responses with ease.
Blackbox tool
Safely store secrets in Git/Mercurial.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
3D Objects With Babylon.js sep 5 design
Javascript Framework for HTML5 and WebGL Games.
Chef Basics for Rails Developers sep 8 rb
Configure a new server and install a sample Rails Application.
Rails 5, Module#prepend, and the End of alias_method_chain sep 8 rb
Some interesting news about the upcoming Rails 5.
Two pretty-good techniques for styling tricky form elements sep 8 css3
Radio buttons, select and file uploads, and tricks to tweak them.
Write Reliable, Asynchronous Integration Tests With Capybara sep 10 rb
Integration tests involving Ruby and JavaScript.
Automatic Docker Service Announcement with Registrator sep 10 ops
Registrator is inspired by Skydock, but more generic and multihost.
Running and upgrading MySQL servers in Docker containers (or not) sep 11 ops
Few options and issues with possible solutions for database containers.
Oga: a new XML/HTML parser for Ruby sep 11 rb
Another XML/HTML parser that works on more ruby implementations than Nokogiri, and it's faster.
Introducing Helioth: Feature Flipping Gem sep 11 rb
Manage feature flags for progressive feature releases.
Work On An Existing Rails App sep 12 rb
First steps to follow when you enter into a new codebase.
15 Best CSS Tools to Speed Up Your Coding sep 13 css3
Various tools for CSS designers.
Spend less time waiting, more time Cheffing sep 13 ops
Tricks to accelerate testing under Vagrant with Chef.
Configuring macbook for rails development with automated scripts sep 13 rb
Description of the osx_provision gem.
3 Simple examples from Ruby to Elixir sep 14 rb
How to transform a simple script from Ruby to Elixir.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
GoRails #23 (24m) sep 7 rb
Consuming an API Using HTTParty and Creating a Gem.
AtoZ CSS: @support (7m) sep 9 css3
How to provide alternative styles for unsupported features.
Feature Flagging with Ruby on Rails Engines (18m) sep 11 rb
Rails engines, and deployment on different servers leveraging feature flags.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #115 (37m) sep 8 tool
There's a Spectrum Involved Here (Brandon Bloom).
Web platform #10 (59m) sep 9 css3
Mathematics & Dynamic CSS Visualizations.
Arrested DevOps 20 (1h06) sep 9 ops
Something About Security with Ben Hughes, Security Manager at Etsy.
Ruby5 494 (6m) sep 9 rb
RSpec 3.1, Rack::Tracker, new features in Rails 4.2, Fearless Rails Deployment book, The_Metal, RubyConf Portugal.
Ruby Rogues 173 (1h10) sep 10 rb
ActiveRecord CRUD with Eileen Uchitelle.
Javascript Jabber 125 (43m) sep 10 js
WebGL with Sean Griffin.
CodePen 22 (45m) sep 11 css3
Using advertising as part of a business model as well as using advertising to grow.
Ruby on Rails Podcast 167 (58m) sep 11 rb
Kelli Shaver - 2013 Rails Rumble Solo Winner.
Ruby5 495 (6m) sep 12 rb
@rubystrings, Coderetreat 2014, Capybara, nice rake tasks, module prepend.
The Cloudcast #161 (28m) sep 12 ops
Transitioning from CTO to VC.
The ship show #48 (1h04) sep 12 ops
Continuous All The Things: FlowCon 2014.
2ddu #35 (1h15) sep 12 go
What Go is and its place in the universe of programming languages.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.