
#021 - jun 30th 2013


This week we had a final release on rails 4.0, a security release of ruby 1.9.3 and 2.0.0, and the retirement of ruby 1.8.7.


Web applications and tools, available for making our life easier.
Frontend Test tool
A tool for analysing elements of your websites.
Aol reader tool
Google had to kill the reader for us to get reminded that AOL was not dead.
Task Lists in Gist tool
An interesting new Gist feature.
They make icons web
A promising collection of huge icons.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Ruby rb
A security release related to SSL client lib in ruby.
Rails 4.0.0 rb
As planned the final version of rails 4 is now available.
SublimeText 3 tool
Now available as a public beta.
Open semantic api js
An interesting tool for building wording databases.
Firefox 22 tool
Chrome is big, but firefox is not gone, here is the changelog for the new version.
Tracking.js js
Add a layer of interaction on web pages using teh webcam and gestures.
Ariostochart js
Yet another charts js library, this one is themable.
Nifty Modal Window Effects css3
Some inspiration for different modal window appearances.
Later.js js
Define complex schedules in js.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Are We Componentized Yet? jun 20 html5
A checklist of what we need to consider making web components a reality.
What Is Declarative Programming? jun 20 rb
Explanation about what this programming pattern is all about.
What to expect in PhoneGap 3.0 jun 20 mobile
A preview of the new features the next phonegap will propose.
Creating a fast and mobile-friendly website with Jekyll jun 21 rb
A very detailled howto for jekyll, featuring grunt setup, compass-inuit, bower, discuss.
Content-first design ain’t herding cats jun 22 web
A radical view on what web content now became. Reality check ?
Using Wisper to Decompose Applications jun 24 rb
Example of use of wisper for event management in ruby apps, with a service object.
Sinatra Best Practices: Part One jun 24 rb
Some advanced tips about sinatra.
Advanced Unit Testing Techniques in JavaScript jun 25 js
Patterns for testing js using buster.js including spies, stubs, mocks, expectations, and time travel.
The case against using in production jun 25 rb
Many good points about self-serving your gems from your own server in production.
Optimizing CSS3 for GPU Compositing jun 26 css3
Some background info and tips about hardware browsers acceleration.
Performance Tuning jun 26 web
How AirBnb tracks performances on their apps.
Arduino and Ruby: Create a GMail Notifier jun 27 rb
Make some blinking leds when a mail gets in, using arduino.
What’s New and Awesome in Ruby 2? jun 27 rb
Another quick checklist of what is new in ruby 2 and rails 4.
Make Sure Something Is an Array jun 28 rb
A small tip about checking arrays in ruby.
Sinatra Best Practices: Part Two jun 28 rb
Some advanced tips about sinatra, this part is about testing with rspec.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Ruby Tapas freebie: Xmpfilter (2m) jun 24 rb
Xmpfilter is a part of the rcodetools gem for, Avdi explains how he integrates it in vim.
Confessions of a Ruby Developer Whose Heart Was Stolen by Scala (42m) jun 24 rb
An interesting talk at scala days comparing ruby and scala.


What could be heard last week ..
Git Minutes #14 (51m) jun 24 tool
Pablo Santos on PlasticSCM, GitSync and SemanticMerge.
Giant robots 53 (25m) jun 24 rb
Build your stuff on the side and have a good time.
Ruby5 381 (5m) jun 25 rb
chruby, unixserver, pry-debugger, peer review, screencasts, core team.
RubyRogues 111 (1h) jun 26 rb
Book Club: Explore It! with Elisabeth Hendrickson.
The Changelog 94 (1h) jun 26 css3
Sass, libsass, Haml and more with Hampton Catlin.
Ruby5 382 (6m) jun 28 rb
rails 4, patched rubies, hakari, i18n-tasks, dokku, ruby on sails.
Javascript Jabber 065 (48m) jun 28 js
Build Tools with Adam Hawkins.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.