
#184 - aug 14th 2016


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Apollo 11 design
Nicely done and it gets some tricky interaction on last page.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
stdlib tool
Readily available, scalable web functions.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
rspec_nested_transactions rb
Nested transactions around before/after(:all) blocks for RSpec
Portfolio rb
A blog and Portfolio CMS built with Rails, React, Redux, Material-UI, CSS Modules.
Sandthorn rb
A ruby library for saving an object's state as a series of events.
Acts_as_tenant rb
Easy multi-tenancy for Rails in a shared database setup
Graphql-ruby rb
Ruby implementation of Facebook's GraphQL
Goss ops
Quick and Easy server testing/validation


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Implementing a Naive Bayes Text Classifier aug 8 rb
Using Ruby to implement a Naive Bayes Classifier.
RSpec::Expectations Cheat Sheet aug 9 rb
Cheat sheet for RSpec Expectations.
Level Up Your Security in Rails aug 9 rb
Rails comes with a lot of secure features and defaults right out of the box.
Bundling Dependencies Inside Ruby Gems aug 9 rb
Distribute a gem with isolated dependencies from application space.
Why is URI.join so counterintuitive? aug 9 rb
While URI.join can be used to build URLs from various path fragments, that's not really what it's designed to do.
Image Upload and Manipulation with React aug 9 css3
How you can upload, store and manipulate images using React without a server-side language.
Designing Great Command-Line User Experiences aug 9 tool
Tips for making command-line UX awesome.
Understanding Ruby Closures aug 10 rb
An in-depth analysis of Ruby closures.
The Search For Class:0x00000027b59290 aug 10 rb
Another fun story about bug hunting.
The Complete Guide to Optimising Web Images aug 10 tool
Techniques for tweaking the perfect images.
Fast and Accurate Document Detection for Scanning aug 10 tool
How Dropbox developed their document recognition tools.
Intro to Avro aug 11 rb
Fast/compact data serialization format that allows every service to communicate effectively.
Using Ruby to work with streams and pipelines aug 12 rb
brief exploration of using Ruby to work with streams and pipelines for processing data.
The Upgrade Trails aug 13 rb
Tales from multi-year Rails upgrades at Code School, sprinkled with bits of hindsight.
Links curated by mose (publisher), xenor, tysliu (editors), hsatac, mose, nauman (contributors) .


The random rant of the week by mose.

no rant

It happens from time to time, I don't feel like ranting about anything :)

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.