
#066 - may 11th 2014


A lot of new releases this week, both on ruby, and on rails, but also various others. We also have a lot of podcasts at the bottom too.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Playing Cards for Web Developers
Great gift for beginners.
Resources For Free, Legal Web Images
When original photo is not possible, and budget is tight, royalty-free photos can help.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier. html5
A place to discuss and evolve web component best-practices.
Moqups design
New version of Moqups is available. Make mockups online.
StyleStats css3
Instantly give stats on CSS for any website.
SourceMaking tool
A general purpose collection of patterns references for coders.
Leanstack web
See what the best startups and companies in the world are using.
Accent Learners tool
If your boss rolls eyes at your English accent, make him pay you this (yeah most Green Ruby readers are not English native speakers actually).
Rails Refactoring rb
This is another book about fearless refactoring, published this year.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Ruby 2.1.2 rb
With Hash#reject regression fix.
Rails 3.2.18, 4.0.5, 4.1.1 rb
This is a security release related to CVE-2014-0130.
Jekyll turns 2.0.0 rb
Exactly one year after the 1.0.0, this version has a lot of changes.
Atom open sourced tool
This was uncertain for a while, but they made it! Great move.
PacketBeat ops
Open Source application monitoring & packet tracing system.
Slush js
A Better Web App Scaffolding Tool.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
How to Override Default Primary Key Id in Rails apr 18 rb
Integer primary keys are not the only way.
10 useful vim plugins for Ruby may 2 rb
Many of you probably have those installed, but who knows.
Reform 1.0 – Form Objects For Ruby And Rails may 5 rb
Examples of usage for the release of the 1.0 of reform.
Getting gulpy may 6 js
Advanced tips for using gulp.js.
Reading Position Indicator may 7 css3
Very nice when the page gets long.
Angular resources for your Rails API may 7 rb
Automatically generate them, with some rails route setup.
Ruby 2.1 In Detail may 6 rb
Changes and improvements in the last ruby version.
Mastering Rails Validations - Objectify may 8 rb
Advanced techniques for managing validations, a sequel from a link published last week.
Bootstrap 3 Tips and Tricks You Might Not Know may 8 css3
Various tricks to make Bootstrap more docile.
Shoes 4 preview released may 10 rb
This is the new shoes, so you can throw away the old ones. Help find bugs before the release.
When to Mock may 10 tool
Great review of mocking by Uncle Bob.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
RailsConf 2014 (26 videos) rb
The whole conf. Pay attention to the DHH keynote it seems to be quite controversial.
GopherCon 2014 (7 videos) go
The first Go conference.
Network connectivity: optional (29m) may 7 web
Off-line access and the web.


What could be heard last week ..
Code Pen 010 (30m) may 5 css3
Marketing email, transactional email, all kinds of email.
Giant robots #97 (26m) may 5 web
Railing Against Rails (Ernie Miller).
Product Hunt Radio 4 (42m) mat 6 web
At Everywhere else conference, discussion between Josh Miller, Ben Yokovitz, Ryan Hoover.
Ruby5 462 (7m) may 6 rb
Good news from the Ruby Core meeting, TDD debates galore, AdequateRecord, and some surprisingly uneventful code ping pong.
Ruby Rogues 155 (1h16) may 7 rb
Why Ruby Sucks.
Javascript Jabber 107 (52m) may 7 js
ClojureScript & Om with David Nolen.
TheChangelog 121 (57m) may 8 js
Dart with Lars Bak and Seth Ladd from Google.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #149 (1h) may 8 rb
This podcast was revived after 5 years of silence in march. This episode is about early days of Ruby and Rails and the heterogeneous architecture of Wunderlist with Chad Fowler.
Arrested DevOps 10 (1h) may 8 ops
Scaling the Application Mountains.
NodeUp 63 (2h03) may 9 js
a live lnug show.
Ruby5 463 (5m) may 9 rb
Untangline spaghetti code, opening the Atom source, better presenters with DumbDelegator, managing your OS X setup with osxc, an intro to Rails view caching, and the Eldritch async DS.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.