| |
French website with nice dragging effect. |
Rubyland | |
Ruby feeds. | |
Oh my dear JavaScript | |
Some gotchas in JS. | | | |
Generate HTTP response on demand. | |
Auth-Boss | |
Different authentication methodologies on the web. |
Dry_require_spec_helper | |
So that you don't have to put the line again everytime writing a spec. | |
Ruby 2D | |
Make cross-platform 2D applications in Ruby. | |
Cerebro App | |
Open-source Spotlight-like smart search app. | |
Rib | |
A lightweight and extensible irb replacement. | |
Erubi | |
Small ERB Implementation. | |
Brains-jruby | |
A feedforward neural network implementation for JRuby. | |
Fman | |
A modern file manager. | |
Tent CSS | |
A lightweight CSS framework with BEM methodology. | |
Poxi | |
A pixel art editor. | |
Neurojs | |
A javascript deep learning and reinforcement learning library. | |
Httplab | |
An interactive web server. |
Slicing up Rails Application.js for Faster Load Times | feb 27 |
Reduce page load time by putting js to pages where it belongs. | |
Towards Faster Ruby Hash Tables | feb 27 |
What makes ruby 2.4's hash table faster. | |
Ultimate Guide to API Design | feb 28 |
A guide that packed with examples of searches, authentication, error handling and versioning. | |
Grid + Flexbox: the best 1-2 punch in web layout | mar 2 |
Using flexbox to build grid easier. |
Soldiers find peace in war, lawyers find peace in court, and we programmers find peace in resolving conflicts.