
#048 - jan 5th 2014


Okay there is a new year digit, let's get back to work now. And btw feel free to visit us on #greenruby on freenode.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Flat design vs Realism
The battle of 2013 (actually a happy new year website from Intacto).


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
List Of D3.js libraries js
about 25+ different JavaScript libraries related to D3.js.
Passweird tool
Generate passwords too gross to steal.
UI Faces tool
This tool was born from the daily toil of finding sample avatars for UI mockups.
Bootstrap Zero css3
Free start templates and designs for Boostrap CSS.
Blacktie css3
Another place for finding free bootstrap themes.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Passenger 4.0.33 ops
Various fixes, and notably the new restart-app function.
Recap rb
Simpler and faster capistrano deployment.
Divergence rb
A HTTP proxy that lets you map subdomains to git branches for site testing.
Sneakers rb
Performance background processing for Ruby (picture a sidekiq on rabbitmq).
Polybox ops
A docker based polyglot hacker's sandbox.
Fluidbox js
A replica of lightbox like they do it on Medium.
Docker Osx tool
Fast and easy installation of Docker on OS X.
Fig ops
A combination of vagrant and docker, with yaml config files.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Clean Architecture dec 27 rb
Rails app structure following the clean principles of uncle bob, kinda.
Reading Rails - More Migrations dec 31 rb
How Rails look up for migrations.
A Taste of Logic Programming In Ruby jan 1 rb
Unific, Ambit, Rulog, various approach for ruby logic programming.
Rendering Collections in Rails jan 1 rb
The use of partials to break down complex view into more manageable chunks.
5 technologies to look forward to in 2014 jan 1 js
Short list: asm.js, paralleljs, ES6, web components, CSS grid layout.
A Look at Ruby 2.1 jan 2 rb
Detailled review of new features in ruby 2.1.
Javascript Module Design Pattern jan 2 js
Modules in js, and advantages of the revealing module pattern.
Gulp is the new black jan 3 js
Gulp is an alternative to Grunt.
The top 10 free UI kits for web designers jan 3 css3
A list of CSS frameworks for designers.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
How to Prototype and Test Any Product in 5 Days (58m) jan 3 tool
Explanation of the 5-days design sprint technique.


What could be heard last week ..
RubyRogues 138 (37m) dec 31 rb
The RubyRep Holiday Takeover (recording from the rogues retreat).
Arrested Devops 003 (56m) jan 2 ops
This episode is called the dev show, an introspection session.
Ruby5 429 (5m) jan 3 rb
ruby compiler, omega, rubygems, debug http clients, detect similar images, lotus.
Javascript Jabber 090 (39m) jan 3 js
Users Groups.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.