
#058 - mar 16th 2014


This week I opened a facebook page and a google+ too, in more than the twitter account. Not that I'm really into it but I wanted to try bufferapp, which is pretty neat. So you can check links there during the week. Also note that there may be more links in those feeds than in the newsletter, and the newsletter has links that are not in the feed.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
The web is 25
Join the many users world-wide who have sent birthday greetings to the Web!
The Hitchicker Guide is 30
A game named Don't Panic to celebrate this anniversary.
Pixelcasts design
One new video every month showing you how your favorite designers create amazing things..
Best of the visualisation web… January 2014
Links to various interesting data visualizations.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Product Hunt web
A daily leaderboard of the best new products (pretty much anything, but some Saas services popup there sometimes).
Buffer tool
Write once and post to various social networks.
Gitprint tool
Easily print GitHub markdown.
Commando ops
Executing same command on multi servers through web.
Sashe css3
Discover Sass & Compass Extensions.
Web Appers web
Open source web resources for devs.
Stormboard tool
Collaborative online sticky note whiteboard.
Mango Map tool
Transform your GIS data into web map applications.
25 Brand New Freebie Icon Sets from Dribbble Members design
Who don't like freebie, heh?
Shippable ops
New version 1.0 for this CI deployment docker tool.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 4.0.4 rb
A lot of bugfixes.
Passenger 4.0.38 rb
This new version supports ruby 2.1.0 OOB GC.
Sass 3.3 css3
Sass 3.3 released with maps feature (key-value pair hash).
Vagrant 1.5 ops
A new releae plus a new service, named vagrant cloud.
Sup rb
The hacker's Mail User Agent for people with a lot of email.
RailRoady rb
Generates UML graphs from rails models with graphviz.
Wraith rb
A responsive screenshot comparison tool.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Capybara, PhantomJs, Poltergeist, and Rspec Tips mar 9 rb
Code illustrated example of UI testing.
Switch from Photoshop to GIMP: Tips From A Pro mar 9 design
How Gimp may actualy be good enough.
Hash#reject regression in Ruby 2.1.1 mar 10 rb
A small detail that may deserve attention.
Component-based Rails mar 10 rb
A good method to namespace stuff in big rails apps.
Git Flow vs Github Flow mar 10 tool
Comparison between 2 major models of git collaboration.
Rails Console Shortcuts, Tips, and Tricks mar 11 rb
Various tricks that you may already know, but maybe not.
Fake It ‘til You Make It mar 11 js
Usage of D3 fakebook.
GopherJS: Go to Javascript Transpiler mar 11 go
Hmm, this looks tasty .. or heretic?
Techniques for authentication in AngularJS applications mar 13 js
A collection of ideas for authentication & access control.
A basic user authentication model in rails 4 mar 13 rb
Of course you can use devise, or you may want to roll your own just once for sake of understanding it.
A brief introduction to server-testing with serverspec mar 13 ops
Example of usage of sercerspec for infrastructure validation.
Back to Basics: Polymorphism and Ruby mar 14 rb
A look at a few different ways to achieve polymorphism in ruby.
Self-daemonizing code is awful mar 15 ops
A look at a few different ways to achieve polymorphism in ruby.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Creativity with Ruby-Processing (19m) mar 13 rb
Ruby-Processing is a simple wrapper for the Processing framework.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #89 (35m) mar 10 web
Moving Beyond The Wheel, Mahmoud Abdelkader CTO of Balanced.
Ruby5 447 (5m) mar 11 rb
Gsoc, test-driven rails, cancancan, building ruby gems, ruby heroes.
Arrested Devops 8 (1h01) mar 11 ops
Managing Your Mental Stack.
Ruby Rogues 147 (1h16) mar 12 rb
APIs That Don’t Suck with Michele Titolo.
Javascript Jabber 100 (49m) mar 12 js
Centennial Episode Celebration.
Ruby5 448 (5m) mar 14 rb
Circuit breaker, cuncumber top 5, speed up specs, railroady, railsconf.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.