
#039 - nov 3rd 2013


This week we get the rails upgrade to 4.0.1 with a lot of bugfixes. And there is like each week a collection of other links.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Rails Rumble winners
Always creative ideas can be found there.
A Game of Shark and Minnow
A superb onepage site combining scrolling effect and full screen videos.
Mac Plus emulator
Running Mac OS 7 on your browser, all in javascript


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Paydirt tool
A time tracking and invoicing tool for freelancers.
Timecapsule tool
A chrome extension to send bookmarks to your future self.
Fleep tool
This chat service looks like hipchat, and is free while in beta.
Code Combat js
Learn to Code JavaScript by Playing a Game.
Snazzy maps js
Snazzy Maps is a repository of different styles for Google Maps.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 4.0.1 rb
This is a bug fix release and includes more than 460 commits.
Pundit rb
An alternative to Cancan for permissions management, check out this blog post to know more.
Koudoku rb
Robust subscription support for Rails with Stripe.
Google maps for rails rb
Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps.
Gmelius tool
A browser extension to overlay gmail, kill ads and add features.
PhysicsJs js
A 2d physic engine in javascript.
Riot.js js
The 1kb client-side MVP framework.
20 jQuery Plugins for Scrolling Effects js
Scrolling is the new hype. Here are tools for making it smooth.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Automate Your Responsive Images With Mobify.js oct 24 mobile
Verbose demonstration of the use of mobify.js for handling responsive images cleverly.
Auto generate UUID with Postgres and Rails 4 oct 25 rb
How to take advantage of the unique identifiers in postgres with rails.
The JavaScript Event Loop: Explained oct 27 js
A pretty good explanation of how javascript event-loop works.
Statesman: A modern, robust Ruby state machine oct 30 rb
An alternative Ruby state machine library.
Detecting Failed Delayed Job Workers oct 30 rb
How to detect locks in delayed jobs and relaunch them.
Why Meteor will kill Ruby on Rails oct 31 js
An opinion about meteor and some comparison with rails, from a rails devceloper.
Phusion Passenger open sources Meteor support nov 01 js
This the answer of phusion passenger to the previous article.
How I update project from Rails 3 to Rails 4 nov 01 rb
A bunch of advises about an upgrade thaht is still due for many rails devs.
Agile Software Development with GitHub nov 02 js
Here is a presentation on how mindtouch uses github as a main workflow tool (as many others do).


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Wicked Good Ruby 2013 (26 videos) rb
John Albin Wilkins and No-query Fallbacks in Breakpoint.
Sass Bites #13 (20m) oct 31 css3
John Albin Wilkins and No-query Fallbacks in Breakpoint.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 72 (33m) oct 28 rb
With Nathan Barry about book writing, teaching and self employment.
Ruby5 415 (7m) oct 29 rb
FFI is over, TryTo, Devops, asset pipeline, constant resolution, emacs for ruby.
RubyRogues 129 (1h02) oct 30 rb
Sharpening Tools with Ben Orenstein.
The Changelog 110 (1h) oct 30 rb
Capistrano and Burnout with Lee Hambley.
The New Pro Puppet (18m) oct 31 rb
With authors of the upcoming new edition of the book Pro Puppet.
Ruby5 416 (5m) nov 01 rb
gem teardown, angular/backbone, statesman, table_print, pronto runner.
Javascript Jabber 082 (42m) nov 01 js
JSHint with Anton Kovalyov.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.