Somerset | |
A printing design company, with a funny website. |
Runnable | |
A sandbox service that creates full-stack environments for GitHub branches. | |
Zube | |
Project management for GitHub issues. | |
Amphtml | |
AMP HTML source code, samples, and documentation. | |
uiGradients | |
Handpicked collection of colour gradients for designers and developers. |
Duckrails | |
A development tool to quickly & dynamically mock API endpoints. | |
InfraRuby | |
A statically typed Ruby on the JVM. | |
Dry-rb | |
A collection of Ruby libraries, each intended to encapsulate a common task. | |
Stateful_enum | |
A very simple state machine plugin built on top of ActiveRecord::Enum. | |
Urn | |
Ruby library to validate and normalize URNs according to RFC 2141. | |
Unicode-confusable | |
Unicode::Confusable.confusable? 'ℜսᖯʏ', 'Ruby'. | |
Telegram-bot | |
Library for building Telegram Bots with Rails integration. | |
Clipboard | |
Ruby access to the clipboard on Windows, Linux, MacOS, Java and Cygwin. | |
Wolfentext3d | |
3D dungeon crawling in your terminal. | |
Autumn AI | |
The Hacker's Machine Intelligence Platform. | |
Calendar-heatmap | |
A d3 heatmap representing time series data similar to github's contribution chart. | |
Pikaday | |
Another Datepicker. Lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS. | |
Air-datepicker | |
Yet another jQuery datepicker. | |
Slush | |
Streaming scaffolding system: Gulp as a replacement for YeomanGulp as a replacement for Yeoman. | |
Crystal | |
Ruby-inspired low level language. | |
Dejavu | |
Elasticsearch browser. | |
LeSSL | |
A certificate manager for lets-encrypt certificates in ruby. |
Creating new content types in Rails 4.2 | mar 13 |
Working with respond_to or respond_with inside rails controllers. | |
Ruby Design Patterns: Observer | mar 14 |
Separate code concerns and make it adaptable by observer pattern. | |
Modify Your Ruby App's DNS Lookup | mar 14 |
Custom DNS information within our app, instead of needing to modify your system’s /etc/hosts file. | |
Rebuilding Git in Ruby | mar 14 |
Overiview of the RGit implementatiion details. | |
Ruby Bits:Each with object | mar 15 |
TheEnumerable module is the core of everything in Ruby. Meet the each_with_object method. | |
An Introduction to jQuery’s Deferred Objects | mar 16 |
For a long time, JavaScript developers have used callback functions to perform several tasks. | |
CSS Exclusions and Grid Layout | mar 16 |
Exclusions specification will be useful for creating layouts on the web once Grid ships in browsers. | |
Remote Code Execution in all git versions | mar 16 |
This has the potential to be huge: server and client side remote code execution through a buffer overflow. | |
Firing People | mar 16 |
How can we fix the firing process if we're not even talking about it first. | |
Tcpdump is amazing | mar 16 |
The case of tracing slow HTTP requests. | |
The Results of The Ultimate CSS Survey | mar 17 |
3-part survey aimed at gathering info on the habits and preferences of CSS developers in the industry. | |
Quickly Create a Telegram Bot in Ruby | mar 17 |
Telegram might be a new name to you, but it’s gaining popularity the in the last few years. | |
How You Can Use Responsive Web Components Today | mar 17 |
Web Components are a W3 specification that enables you to build your own HTML elements. | |
Ligature Icons via Pseudo Elements and Icon Fonts | mar 18 |
Rather than use text in the HTML though, you can use a pseudo element. |
Well it's not the first time. I just don't feel inspired. So I better shut up rather than writing useless rant. It's so easy to fill up space with meaningless content. But I'm not doing that ever. I only speak out when I have something to say. And yes, I'm very comfortable to contradict myself by writing a useless rant. This is the beauty of the human being: our ability to abstract makes possible all sort of paradoxes. Wait, is it related to abstractions? hmm, This is a great topic for my day-dreaming in the subway. Oh, damn I'm late. Cya all and have a good week.