
#056 - mar 2nd 2014


This week big news is the 21th birthday for ruby, with some new releases for each branch. Check the changelog for ruby 2.1.1 it's pretty massive.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
20 cool and inspirational website designs
Neat indeed.
Keeping designers inspired and informed every day.
What happens when placeholder text doesn’t get replaced
Shots of funny cases where a text was not supposed to be final.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
UltraHook tool
Receive webhooks on localhost.
Codesnipp tool
Code snippets collection.
GSS css3
GSS reimagines CSS layout.
html and css Code Guide html5
Standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS. html5
Early beta access for now. tool
Online code editor, featuring built in video.
Paymill tool
An interesting alternative to stripe?


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Ruby 2.1.1 rb
Released on feb 24, along with a 1.9.3-p545 and a 2.0.0-p451.
Atom tool
A new chrome-based desktop app from github, on invite only for now.
Neovim tool
vim's rebirth for the 21st century.
Formulaic rb
A helper for form filling and simpleform.
Go continuous delivery tool
Recently open sourced, this is nothing to do with the go programming language, it's actually java-based.
Doctored.js tool
A web based xml editor.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Visualizations of Continuous Delivery feb 20 tool
Four fabulous visualizations of continuous delivery flow.
Analytics at GitHub feb 24 tool
The architecture of analytics at github.
The Adapter Pattern feb 25 rb
Ruby Adapter pattern, inspired by Rails.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Explained feb 26 tool
A quick overview of the discuss SSO.
Make Remote Files Local with Ruby Tempfile feb 27 rb
Details about a good use for the Tempfile ruby class.
Testing at Airbnb feb 27 tool
Excellent post about building a testing culture in an organisation.
Working With and Around the Same-Origin Policy feb 28 js
Various ways to live with the same-origin ajax policy.
Elasticsearch for Ruby on Rails: An Introduction to Chewy feb 28 rb
Chewy extends the Elasticsearch-Ruby client, with tighter integration with Rails.
Charming Large Databases with Octopuses mar 2 rb
How to configure sharding with activerecords and mysql.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
SOA in Ruby (37m) feb 27 rb
Approaching SOA with lightweight ruby tools.


What could be heard last week ..
Arrested Devops 7 (1h) feb 23 ops
Tools and best practices in devops.
Giant robots #87 (23m) feb 24 web
Monitoring the Bathrooms (Tony DiPasquale), an arduino story.
Ruby5 443 (6m) feb 25 rb
rspec, ruby 2.1.1, ruby's demise, adequaterecords, rubyheroes.
Ruby Rogues 145 (58m) feb 26 rb
Data Analytics with Heather Rivers.
Javascript Jabber 098 (43m) feb 26 js with Brian Woodward and Jon Schlinkert.
Ruby5 444 (6m) feb 28 rb
Thermometer, atom editor, rails 4.1 with omniauth, ruby gotchas, tempfile.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.