
#087 - oct 5th 2014


As there is a lot of new subscribers this week, let me remind you what this newsletter is.
I'm a french fullstack geek living in Taiwan, ruby lover, and currently in a devops phase. I don't have much time to surf around during the week as I have a fulltime job. So every Sunday I dedicate 4 to 6 hours to sort my inbox, check stuff, track what's new, so I can remain current.
And then as I'm doing it for myself, well, I structured it a bit and sent my review to some friends. Mailchimp offers a free tier, the review is done already, why not share it to a wider audience. Xenor sends me some links every week, as well as various other people now. Having more people reading it and appreciating this review helps me to stay motivated doing it every week. So, thanks for that.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
e3creative design
Website of a digital agency.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier. tool
Project documentation made easy.
Inline Manual tool
Interactive inline tutorials.
Sache css3
Discover Sass & Compass Extensions. ops is a magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS for any IP address.
A Day in the Life of an Ember Developer js
A free webinar with Yahuda Katz on October 16.
Enjoycss css3
Advanced online CSS3 generator.
Color code css3
Find your color scheme.
Freepik design
Free Graphic Files for Download.
Taiga tool
Taiga is a project management platform for startups and agile developers (open source).
Internet Explorer Platform web
The Internet Explorer team is looking for feature requests from the web developer community.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 4.2.0 beta2 rb
Security fixes and some breaking changes (with beta1).
Spec me Maybe rb
Introduces the 'maybe' syntax to RSpec.
Inspeqtor ops
A go daemon to replace monit, by the author of sidekiq.
chef-koans ops
An experimental, test-driven way to learn about Chef.
Csstyle css3
Csstyle is a modern approach for crafting maintainable stylesheets.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
10 skills that will make you a better Rubyist sep 29 rb
Skills required to advance your career (and get a better salary.
Adding a staging environment to Rails sep 29 rb
A staging environment is a perfect place to battle test your code under the conditions of production.
How Do Gems Work? sep 29 rb
Knowing RubyGems even at this surface level will help out a lot.
Benefits of Writing a DSL in Ruby sep 29 rb
Creating a domain specific language to accelerate and streamline the development process.
How GitHub is using Web Components in production sep 29 rb
Ssking some questions to Joshua Peek, a programmer at GitHub.
Responsive Images with srcset sep 30 html5
If you’re just changing resolutions, use srcset.
Hacker's Guide to Setting up Your Mac sep 30 tool
Some techniques to apply automation to the setup of your Mac.
CDN acceptance testing oct 1 web
How migrated to one CDN provider to another. Bonus, the source code of their tests.
Getting Started With Active Job oct 1 rb
With the release of Rails 4.2, Active Job abstracts background workers syntax.
Taste and The Zen of GitHub oct 2 web
What taste means in Github growth.
Code Reviews at Harvest oct 2 web
Some good ideas about how to do the code review.
What is kubernetes and how to use it oct 2 ops
Solution to scale your web services both vertically and horizontally.
Rails with Webpack - Why and How oct 2 rb
An alternative for bundling your assets for some projects.
Refactoring Ruby with Monads oct 3 rb
How monads can help to make code simpler, clearer and more reusable.
Better Know Enumerable: Partition oct 3 rb
Using the partition to split a collection into two complementary parts.
AngularJS Tutorial: A Comprehensive 10,000 Word Guide oct 3 js
An ultimate resource point to begin learning AngularJS.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
AtoZ CSS: Vertical-align (5m) oct 1 css3
The vertical-align property and how and when it works.
Gogaruco 2014 (13 videos) oct 3 rb
Golden Gate Ruby Conference.


What could be heard last week ..
DevOps cafe 55 (1h12) sep 30 ops
With Tom Limoncelli.
Ruby on Rails Podcast 170 (1h11) oct 1 rb
Salesforce $1 Million Hackathon @ Dreamforce 2014.
Ruby Rogues 176 (58m) oct 1 rb
Rails as an SOA Client with Pete Hodgson.
Javascript Jabber 128 (55m) oct 1 js with Steve Newcomb.
The Ship Show 49 (1h04) oct 1 ops
The Pulse of PuppetConf 2014.
CodePen #24 (31m) oct 2 web
Our Responsibilities at CodePen.
Adventure in angular #10 (34m) oct 2 js
Preferred Backends with Angular.
Ruby5 500 (6m) oct 3 rb, onboarding your junior devs, better Rubyist, staging environments, absolutes.
The Cloudcast #164 (28m) oct 3 ops
Full-Stack Real-Time Monitoring from the Cloud. Datadog.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.