
#181 - jul 24th 2016


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Resn design
Creative digital agency website.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier. tool
Cron schedule expression editor
vimgifs tool
Animated gifs with vim tips and tricks. tool
Mocking http services made easy


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
TuneMyGC rb
Hand-tuning the GC parameters is a slippery slope to navigate for most developers.
john_hancock rb
A Rails gem for custom signature form fields.
down rb
A wrapper around open-uri standard library for safe downloading of remote files.
worque rb
a CLI to manage your daily notes
BlazeCSS css3
Modular CSS framework
hack.css css3
dead simple css framework
jquery-cron js
Plugin for presenting a simplified interface for users to specify cron entries
Vault tool
A tool for managing secrets.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Partial Downloads with Enumerators and Fibers jul 18 rb
Determining the MIME type from file content without the full file.
A Review of Code Reloaders for Ruby jul 18 rb
A dive into code reloading.
A CGI application vulnerability for PHP, Go, Python and others jul 18 ops
Upgrade your go builds, Httpoxy plague in sight.
Hiding secrets in a Vault jul 19 rb
Using Vault, Github authentication and 'secrets' gem to make secret files more secure.
Automate Docker with the Remote API and Ruby jul 20 rb
If you used Docker up to this point, it’s likely been via the command-line interface which is actually a client that uses the Remote API.
New Features in Ruby 2.4 jul 20 rb
Checkout some new methods and improvements on old methods.
How To Use Arguments And Parameters In ECMAScript 6 jul 20 js
Use rest parameters, default values and destructuring, among other new features.
React.js in patterns jul 20 js
Techniques that are applied over and over again in react code.
The Goal of Performance Tuning jul 20 web
Make a goal, take measurements, fix the bottleneck, then repeat.
respond_to |format| is useful even without multiple formats jul 21 rb
The hidden benefits of respond_to.
Web applications on Phusion Passenger are not vulnerable to HTTPoxy jul 21 rb
Some more details on Httpoxy vulnerability.
Getting Started With Vue.js jul 21 js
Vue.js is a JavaScript library to build web applications using the the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern.
Learning to COPE with Microservices jul 22 web
The beauty of building with microservices is that it works for projects of any size.
Consider Turbolinks 5 for Your Next Rails Project jul 23 rb
Turbolinks 5 is a library for web applications that makes pages load faster.
Rbenv — How it works jul 23 rb
The file .rbenv-shim gets created during the rehash process to indicate a rehash is in progress.
Links curated by mose (publisher), xenor, tysliu (editors), hsatac, michaelweigle, mose, nauman (contributors) .


The random rant of the week by mose.

Innovation and Consensus

Last week I got to check out 2 javascript frontend frameworks, Choo (the cute framwework) and Cycle.js (the streams power). It feels that nowadays React is eating the frontend world, but there is actually a lot of non-marginal alternatives. It made me think that there is something tricky with the process of innovation. It is born from disagreement. It feeds with discontent.

Those frameworks are born from the refusal to consider React as a consensus, hence it generates an alternative path, exploring different paradigms. In my opinion, and from an global point of view, it's a sign of vivacity of an ecosystem. Diversity of species guarantees a larger span of choice for the natural selection and a faster evolution.

But consensus and normative approaches have so many virtues. Damn, this is tricky. Well, here is the catch. Unicity in the software ecosystem creates stability, which in turn creates comfort for the actors involved in the industry. Habits get stronger, mobility is easier, interoperability leads to bigger systems with long life-cycles. This is good.

On another hand diversity creates instability, challenges the developers and makes it harder to find common grounds. It favors exploration and smaller systems with shorter life-cycles. In a diverse ecosystem, paradigms and new ideas are born and die quickly. And I think it's a much more rich ecosystem.

For some reason this duality reminds me of the cathedral and the bazaar. It's totally unrelated, actually, but maybe there is some kind of interesting parallel in this metaphor collision. But beyond that, there is a real antagonism for developers, and an opposing interest between the development workforce and the software as a living species.

And I have the feeling that on the long run, diversity and innovation win. So you better get used to the discomfort it brings. Train yourself to jump from one framework to another. Don't let yourself getting lazy by going to the comfortable consensus systematically. This ability to cope with change is your best hope for staying current. Because the change if the way of the evolution.

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.