
#036 - oct 14th 2013


The registration for this year Rails Runble has opened on oct 07 and ended yesterday. But you can follow the fun that begins next weekend (oct 19). For the rest, I'm looking for a icon for devops topic. Feels free to send suggestions.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Mac Paint Online
For the nostalgic.
Full Screen Mario
An HTML5 remake of the original super mario, again for nostalgy sake.
The big list of D3
1900 examples of good (or not) D3 visualization.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Friend Code tool
Yet another online collaboration coding tool.
StackEdit tool
An online markdown editor.
Reportr web
A personal tracker, can also be downloaded and installed at home.
Puppet Best Practices rb
Result of a discussion at Puppetconf, the community gets organized.
Vizalizer tool
A community service for creating publisjing and sharing infographics.
Raml rb
RESTful API Modeling Language.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Shrimp js
Using phantomJs to generate pdf from url.
Reactive Record rb
Create model from your existing PostgreSQL database.
Bitch rb
A Ruby logger that uses OS X notifications.
Capistrano 3 rb
A major release for capistrano, check what changed.
Free Wall js
A jQuery plugin for grid layouts without gaps.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Making Systems Operable oct 07 tool
About the danger of operation automation, and the need for operable systems.
The Rails Testing Pyramid oct 09 rb
Another code climate post about balanced test suites for long-term maintainability.
State of the Stack: Ruby Edition oct 10 rb
An infographic by new relic about the ruby stack.
10 Free Data Visualization Tools oct 10 tool
... and Why Data Visualization is Important.
Good and Bad Technical Debt oct 11 tool
A long article about technical debt and how testing helps handling it.
API Layer and its responsibilities oct 12 tool
If you are putting business logic of your domain in your API Layer, you are doing it wrong.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Devopsdays 2013 - Tokyo (6 videos) oct 08 tool
A talk from Parse developer day, on what makes an API great by using emotion.
Jsconf EU 2013 (13 videos) oct js
A lot of good talks from jsconf eu recently published.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 69 (15m) oct 07 rb
Ben Orenstein interviews Josh Clayton and Laila Winner on their book, Geocoding on Rails.
Ruby5 409 (7m) oct 08 rb
rubinius, mri, jruby, virtus, capistrano woes, ruby on sails.
RubyRogues 126 (1h09) oct 09 rb
Remote Pair Programming with Sam Livingston-Gray.
Ruby5 410 (6m) oct 11 rb
Pain free testing, random ruby, reacive record, capistrano v3, wicked, heroku websockets.
Javascript Jabber 079 (1h04) oct 11 js
Lo-Dash with John-David Dalton.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.