The 100 Greatest Free Fonts for 2014 | |
All kinds of typefaces which can be seamlessly integrated into any design. | |
Tab Styles Inspiration | |
A small collection of styles for tabs. | |
20 Useful Docs and Guides for Front-End Developers | sep 5 |
A small collection of styles for tabs. | |
What are the best programming fonts? | |
Around 50 fonts reviewed. |
Gridlover | |
The tool to establish a typographic system with modular scale and vertical rhythm. | |
Zerotier | |
Network Virtualization Everywhere. | |
Kobra | |
Collaborative code editor, plus video and voice. |
Kitematic | |
The easiest way to start using Docker on your Mac (with a UI, even). | |
Impulse | |
Library for building dynamic physics based interactions, with a focus on mobile web. | |
Neo4j.rb 3.0.rc | |
Ruby driver for the Neo4j graph database. | |
Gravit | |
New and fresh thinking open source design tool (written in HTML5/js/css). | |
Consul 0.4 | |
Solution for service discovery, configuration, and orchestration. | |
Use HTML attributes and their values rather than classes for styling elements. | |
Transcrypt | |
Transparently encrypt files within a git repository. | |
AngularStrap | |
AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3. |
Rails Authorization | sep 1 |
How to control access in a Rails application, with Pundit or others. | |
SOA and Rails - Overview | sep 1 |
Review of all the ways to implement a scalable SOA architecture. | |
Git: The Safety Net for Your Projects | sep 2 |
Various insights about git, and special attention to branches, reset vs revert, bisect. | |
SOA and Rails - using HTTP | sep 2 |
Part 2 of this collection of great articles about SOA, this one focus on HTTP exchanges. | |
SOA and Rails - using AMQP | sep 3 |
Part 3 of the articles about SOA, now checking the AMQP way. | |
Service objects in Rails | sep 3 |
To design clean and maintainable code. | |
Back to Basics: SOLID | sep 3 |
Five fundamental principles that help engineers write maintainable code. | |
Verifying Doubles in RSpec 3 | sep 3 |
Create test doubles that verify themselves as conforming to the same interface as a 'real' object. | |
SOA and Rails - Introducing RackRabbit | sep 4 |
Part 4 about SOA, with a custom MQ solution, alternative to bunny. | |
Different controllers for different contexts | sep 4 |
Making your application easier to understand, maintain and grow. | |
Drop-in Responsive Styles With Sass | sep 4 |
Clever usage of a +responsive mixin in SASS. | |
An Introduction to WebGL | sep 5 |
From zero to a working 3D application, how the various concepts work and why. | |
How to design APIs that last | sep 5 |
Initial design principles which help building long lived APIs. |
SysadminCasts #36 (4m) | sep 1 |
CLI Monday: column and tr. | |
AtoZ CSS: Required (5m) | sep 2 |
Using :required and other state-based pseudo classes. |
Giant robots #114 (25m) | sep 1 |
Offer Value First (Ryan Delk). | |
CodePen 21 (36m) | sep 2 |
Planning new features. | |
Web platform #9 (1h03) | sep 3 |
Web Accessibility for JavaScript Components and Custom Elements. | |
Ruby Rogues 172 (1h16) | sep 3 |
Extreme Deployment with Badri Janakiraman and Florian Motlik. | |
Javascript Jabber 124 (1h44) | sep 3 |
The Origin of Javascript with Brendan Eich. | |
Ruby on Rails Podcast 166 (59m) | sep 4 |
Tom & Nick Mango - Rails Rumble 2014 Preview. | |
Ruby5 493 (6m) | sep 5 |
TimeWithZone, descriptive_statistics, ActiveJob and GlobalID, Paperdragon, English operators. | |
DevOps Cafe 54 (47m) | sep 5 |
Gene Kim, DevOps in the Enterprise. | |
The Cloudcast #160 (46m) | sep 5 |
The State of The Cloudcast - MidYear 2014. | |
Node Up 71 (1h19) | sep 5 |
a team netflix show. |