
#081 - aug 24th 2014


Hmm I really don't like my icons. I added categories from time to time and got some random icon to match them. Now I look at the result and I don't like it. Maybe someone can suggest a collection that could match the Green Ruby categories collection? For example the ops and tool categories are too identical. and I need a generic engineering category too. It would be so lovely to have a uniform look for our icons. Maybe some monochrome Heroku style kind of 16 pixel icons. So, if you feel you can help, contact me at


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Digital agency original website.
Beautiful Open
A gallery to prove that Open Source Project can have beautiful websites.
Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook
(Book) A comprehensive handbook on digital design.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Omniref rb
The Universal Ruby Reference.
Biting the Bullet and Actually Learning JavaScript js
Steps to take for going further the js basics. tool
Present information dynamically with dashboards, reports, and data presentations.
The Complete iOS 7 Course tool
Learn by Building 14 Apps (for free, thanks to Product Hunt).
Recruitment Resources by Toptal tool
List of HR resources for technical hiring.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 4.0.9 and 4.1.5 rb
Security fix, upgrade as soon as possible.
Rails 4.2.0 beta1 rb
Active Job, Deliver Later, Adequate Record, Web Console.
Omniref plugins rb
Omniref Plugins for Chrome and Firefox.
World Lite rb
Lightweight public domain country data.
Vessel ops
Automates the setup & use of dockerized development environments.
Recroom js
Utility belt from Mozilla, based on node.js and ember.js.
noVNC tool
VNC client using HTML5 (WebSockets, Canvas) with encryption (wss://) support..
Epic privacy browser tool
What you browse & search should always be private.
perf-tools ops
Performance analysis tools based on Linux perf_events (aka perf) and ftrace.
Duo.js js
New package manager that blends the best ideas from Component, Browserify and Go.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
A Way to Organize POROs in Rails aug 15 rb
Where do we put Plain Old Ruby Objects in our Rails app files structure.
Use .pluck If You Only Need a Subset of Model Attributes aug 20 rb
Pull back only the attributes you need as an array.
I Spent 3 Days With Sandi Metz – Here’s What I Learned aug 20 rb
Full report about 3 full days of pair programming, code reviews and spirited group discussions.
20 Free jQuery Plugins for Enhancing Web-based User Interfaces aug 20 js
Open source examples of new jQuery plugins which can be used to enhance any website layout.
Modern Web Best Practice: Pub/Sub aug 20 tool
Advantages of Pub/Sub libraries to communicate between modules.
Software Craftsmen Are Arrogant, Slow, and Dogmatic aug 21 web
Don't fall for the provocative title, this is a debunking exercise.
Power Up Your Team with Nonviolent Communication Principles aug 21 web
No matter what, the fate of every company depends on the team’s ability to communicate clearly and constructively.
Regular Expressions Tools & Resources aug 22 tool
15 websites for improving your Regex power.
What Docker does right and what it doesn't do right yet aug 22 ops
Docker founder Solomon Hykes explained at LinuxCon what Docker is, what it does right, and what it still needs to work on.
Orchestrating docker containers in production using fig aug 22 ops
How to define and run a multi-container app.
Sass 3.4 is out aug 22 css3
Code name 'Selective Steve'. Here are the details.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Interview of Panamax Founder, Lucas Carlson (33m) aug 16 ops
Discussion about the Panamax launch with its author.
AtoZ CSS: Pseudo Elements (6m) aug 19 css3
The five different pseudo elements.
Cascadia Ruby Conf 2014 (17 videos) aug 19 rb
Dive into routing more deeply than just basic resources and writing routes from scratch.
Build podcast 62: Docker (28m) aug 22 ops
create isolated environment for apps based on docker.


What could be heard last week ..
The Ship Show 46 (1h06) aug 14 ops
The Epistemology of DevOps.
Giant robots #112 (27m) aug 18 tool
Data By Design (Joanne Cheng).
DevOps Cafe 52 (1h) aug 18 ops
Matt Ho with Alex Honor.
Ruby5 490 (5m) aug 19 rb
Rails 4.0.9 and 4.1.5, flatten records, Http::Exceptions, configurations, Devise.
Web platform #7 (55m) aug 19 html5
Web RTC and Designing Realtime Experiences.
Ruby Rogues 170 (1h10) aug 20 rb
Padrino with Dario Cravero, Nathan Esquenazi, & Arthur Chiu.
Javascript Jabber 122 (48m) aug 20 js
Socket.IO with Guillermo Rauch.
Ruby on Rails Podcast 164 (1h) aug 20 rb
Jim Remsik - Madison + Ruby.
Arrested Devops 18 (1h13) aug 20 ops
What exactly does it mean to be a sysadmin.
Food Fight Show (1h18) aug 22 ops
Test Kitchen 1.x.
Ruby5 491 (6m) aug 22 rb
Semaphore, PostRank-URI, STI with JSON fields, email validation, transit-rails, Pixel Perfect Precision Handbook.
The Cloudcast 159 - Panamax - Docker Simplified (38m) aug 22 ops
Panamax - Docker Simplified.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
ngrok tunnel tool
enum in Rails 4.1 rb
Disable controller prefix for partials rb
Hot Corner for Mac tool
Referencing parent selector in SASS css3
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.