
#071 - jun 15th 2014


This week I began to publish the links to the resources I use in my weekly review. So checkout the links page on the website if you are interested.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Wild as
Talented austrian team of webdevs.
Design inspiration search engine.
The Web of Things for Creators.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
NameGrep tool
Domain name search with regular expressions and curated sets.
Rails 4 Test Prescriptions: Build a Healthy Codebase rb
(book) Guide to how tests can help you design and write better Rails applications.
JSnice js
Makes obfuscated JavaScript code readable.
Kanban tool tool
Online Kanban board for business with seamless time tracking.
Swift cheat sheet tool
A good way to get the feeling of that new thing on a one-page sheet.
KickDrop design
Beautifully crafted code snippets.
Ember on rails Tutorial js
(online book) How to build an Ember app with a Ruby on Rails backend.
CSS Arrow please css3
Easy builder for css arrows.
Animating float labels using jQuery and CSS3 css3
When the user focuses on an input field individual letters are animated into an HTML fieldset like feel using jQuery.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Docker 1.0 ops
First official stable docker version.
Transpec rb
A magical tool for converting your specs to the latest RSpec syntax.
Sidekiq-orm rb
Recurring pattern in sidekiq workers, .
Seed migration rb
Manage changes to seed data in a rails app in a similar way to how schema migrations are handled.
aIRChat tool
Browser-based IRC client, with node, running locally.
Centurion ops
A mass deployment tool for Docker fleets.
Firebug 2.0 tool
This new version has a bunch of new features.
NativeScript mobile
Build iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8 native apps using JavaScript.
Cadvisor ops
Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
Taunus js
Convention-based, Modular MVC with Shared Rendering in Node.js.
Hexo js
A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Using rails 4.1 secrets for configuration jun 10 rb
An alternative to dotenv setup.
Ruby Security Tools and Resources jun 10 rb
Open source security libraries, web services, and reads about ruby security.
libswarm - Docker Orchestration Announced jun 10 ops
libswarm defines a standard interface to manage and orchestrate distributed systems.
Sharing Data Between Sass and JavaScript with JSON jun 10 rb
Presentation of the sass-json-vars gem.
Digital Design & User Experience Best Practices jun 11 design
A very long post with illustrated examples on the current state of good UI practices.
Calling C/C++ from Ruby jun 12 rb
Description of few ways of calling C functions from Ruby code.
Rails Development Using Docker and Vagrant jun 13 rb
Make use of the recent vagrant-lxc plugin.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
CSS Float and clear (6m) jun 11 css3
Small screencast about float elements in CSS.
Add Some Jazz to Your Rails App (5m) jun 11 rb
A cool meta-gem gathering useful pry gems for rails dev.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #102 (28m) jun 9 rb
Put It Out To The World (Peter Cooper).
Product Hunt Radio 9 (51m) jun 10 web
About Marco, SF’s on-demand food services, the secrets of online dating and more.
NodeUp 64 (1h19) jun 10 js v1.0.
Ruby5 471 (8m) jun 10 rb
Rails/Merb Merge in Retrospect, orats, Swift or RubyMotion, RubyMotion 3.0, Docker 1.0, RubyConf Portugal.
Ruby Rogues 160 (1h30) jun 11 rb
Conceptualizing Code with Sam Livingston-Gray and Glenn Vanderburg.
Javascript Jabber 112 (59m) jun 11 js
Refactoring JavaScript Apps Into a Framework with Brandon Hays.
Arrested DevOps 12 (56m) jun 11 ops
Making The DevOps Transition.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #154 (1h16) jun 12 rb
Greg Baugues - Twilio.
Ruby5 472 (5m) jun 13 rb
Ruby to swift, jazz hands, business gem, invoker.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
S3 backups when you have massive amount of files ops
Capybara target window to test links with target rb
Sidekiq dynamic priority by chosing your queue at runtime rb
Tagbar with Coffeetags for coffeescript in vim tool
Exception the good way to catch what you really need to catch rb
Letter opacity because webkit is weird sometimes css3
Bundle open and read the source of the gems directly rb
Raw SQL in Rails for faster db manipulation rb
Parallax with Adobe Edge in a flash kind of UI and export in html design
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.