
#164 - mar 27th 2016


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Behind The Hashtag: TheDress design
The story behind the meme of the multi-colored dress from last year.
Flag Stories design
Here is a website for SHeldon Cooper.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Ruby Hero Awards rb
Nominate your Ruby Heroes today and recognize everyday heroes of the Ruby community.
what-do-you-call-this-in-ruby rb
Small glossary of terms for all the symbols used in ruby.
Let's Encrypt tool
Free SSL/TLS Certificates
GitHub Community Cast tool
New GitHub Community Podcasts.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
passive_record rb
no-persistence pure ruby relational algebra
haikunator rb
Heroku-like random name generator.
Addressable rb
Replacement for the URI implementation that is part of Ruby standard library.
Left_pad rb
Ruby implementation of famous npm package
Onotole rb
New flexible Rails project generator
Hotel tool
local .dev domains for everyone and more!


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
How to Build a Ruby on Rails Engine mar 20 rb
Step by step tutorial to create a rails engine.
TimedSemaphore implementation in Ruby mar 21 rb
Limited calles in a timeframe with threads.
Is your Rails app ready for Production? mar 22 rb
A (subjective) checklist for making sure you have it all covered.
Understanding the Docker Ecosystem mar 22 ops
What's currently available as part of the Docker ecosystem, how it can help you, and how the pieces fit together.
Ruby Design Patterns: Memento mar 23 rb
Look at the Memento design pattern. Firstly,
Sinon Tutorial: JavaScript Testing with Mocks, Spies & Stubs mar 23 js
How to make unit testing non-trival JavaScript code trivial with the help of spies, stubs and mocks.
Building a Debug Log Filter with Ruby mar 25 rb
An interesting take on filtering logs using ruby script.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
better_errors is better than web-console (5m) mar 23 rb
So why aren't you using it?Go!
Links curated by mose (publisher), xenor (editors), Nauman Tariq (contributors) .


The random rant of the week by mose.

kik the fuss

There have been some noise last week about npm, coming from that article. It merely revealed that various open source organization are privately held by some individuals and they can either be pressured or take weird decisions. Honestly I consider this incident anecdotal. It's not the first time such thing happens. One guy just happened to be very vocal and pissed off about it.

And it carried various threads of discussion on Twitter and elsewhere, in a huge controversy. There were many points raised. NPM has thousands and thousands of packages, and many of them are just a few lines of utility library, so it was a good occasion for some to point out that you should reduce your number of dependencies. Others pointed out that namespacing could help prevent such situation, like it's done in docker or in go (having username/somelib instead of somelib) following the github convention.

All in all, it appears that open source is gaining its traction from being free of any legal duty. Or at least there is no formal contracting, no by-laws, on committees or advisors. People do how they feel in the limits of some very simple basic licensing rules. Some organization provide a more structured legal asset but they usually are on the side and purposed for channeling money management, not necessarily patents and intellectual property.

My opinion is that this kind of friction between businesses and open source is going to happen more and more. But I wonder how it's going to turn out.

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.