
#104 - feb 1st 2015


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Trippeo design
Nicely animated website for a traveling expenses app.
User Flow Patterns mobile
Collection of small videos of user interaction on mobile apps.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Rspec website rb
New shiny design, for this champion of ruby testing.
Learn Ruby by Example rb
Learn or reference Ruby with example code and challenges.
Jekyll Cheat Sheet rb
Great supplement to the Jekyll documentation, this page has a lot of examples.
I Love Ruby rb
(book) 220 pages of ruby, this is a self-published free book.
Overapi tool
Collecting All Cheat Sheets.
iOS on Rails mobile
(book) The reference for writing iOS apps with Ruby on Rails backends, by Thoughtbot.
InboxPixels design
A weekly newsletter bringing design inspiration.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Kleisli rb
Usable, idiomatic common monads in Ruby.
Dos-t rb
An opinionated helper for I18n.
Dockerb rb
Use ruby in your dynamic Dockerfile.erb.
Intercooler js
Making AJAX as simple as anchor tags.
Spacebase css3
Sass-based responsive CSS framework.
Shipit tool
Universal automation and deployment tool written in JavaScript.
GitHooks tool
Framework for creating standard pre-commit and commit-msg hooks for your git repository.
Prometheus ops
An open-source service monitoring system and time series database.
Comcast ops
Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems.
Toxiproxy ops
A proxy to simulate network and system conditions.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Game Development in Go jan 25 go
Thoughts from a game developer about using golang for game dev (with example code).
Closures in Ruby jan 26 rb
Blocs, procs and lambdas, pros and cons, with examples.
Monitor Docker Containers with Prometheus jan 26 ops
Prometheus, used with a container-exporter, makes it easy to monitor many docker containers.
What the Flux? jan 28 js
React.js and Flux architecture, hard to get around, but here are some concepts explained.
Ruby serialization formats jan 28 rb
There are many ways to serialize objects, here are 5 of them.
Non-Message Flash in Rails jan 28 rb
Messages aren’t the only reason to use flash.
Building and Testing Resilient Ruby on Rails Applications jan 29 rb
Pretty good description of a resilient architecture by shopify.
Replace CoffeeScript with ES6 jan 29 rb
Sprocket-es6 will transpile to es5 anyways.
How React.js Outperforms Angular.js jan 29 js
Of course they are not same kind of beast, but they still can be compared, right?
Why JavaScript Needs Types jan 29 js
Various reasons why js may need typing.
Sass Basics: The Function Directive jan 29 css3
What a @function does in Sass.
The Best Code is the Code Nobody Writes jan 30 rb
Adopt a minimalist approach when coding.
Require only what you require jan 31 rb
This may sound obvious, but actually many gems require everything by default.
10 easy-to-fix Ruby and Rails mistakes jan 31 rb
A short list of common mistakes found in ruby code.
When your Rails app slows to a crawl feb 1 rb
Some usual suspects that can slow down a rails app.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Sysadmincast #44 (14m) jan 28 ops
Patching the GHOST glibc gethostbyname CVE-2015-0235 bug.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant Robots 131 (32m) jan 26 web
The Human-Computer Interaction Umbrella (Irene Ros).
Developer tea 11 (14m) jan 26 rb
Justin Weiss - choosing Rails, guest hosting on Ruby Tapas, and enjoying Ruby.
Ruby5 #523 (6m) jan 27 rb
Tail call optimization, single vs. double quotes, ActiveRecord SQLServer, Rbkit, Commander.
RubyRogues 192 (56m) jan 28 rb
Vagrant with Mitchell Hashimoto.
Web Platform Podcast #27 (1h06) jan 28 web
Building Codepen.
Javascript Jabber 144 (38m) jan 28 js
Marionette.js 2.0 with Sam Saccone.
Developer tea 12 (15m) jan 28 web
Chris Coyier, Part One - The Lifecycle of the Web and the Non-Evil of Doing Business.
Adventure in angular #27 (45m) jan 29 js
Accessibility with Marcy Sutton.
Food fight show 87 (1h04) jan 29 ops
Complexity Theory and Cynefin.
Ruby5 #524 (7m) jan 30 rb
Minitest and RSpec, Passenger-docker, Converting a large JRuby project to GoLang.
The Changelog 139 (1h02) jan 30 rb
Rocket, App Container Spec, and CoreOS with Alex Polvi.
The Bike Shed 7 (48m) jan 30 rb
At the Car Wash.
NodeUp 82 (57m) jan 30 js
A 6to5 show.
The Cloudcast #178 (37m) jan 30 ops
DevOps Defined Networking with Socketplane.
Links curated by mose (editor), xenor (informers).


The random rant of the week by mose.


You certainly heard about it, this week there was a new huge Linux vulnerability on glibc revealed. Actually it was leaked by a stupid communication agency few hours before it should have been announced. When such big bug is discovered usually there is a small period of time where the news spread into some limited circles. They keep it embargoed until major distro vendors get patched packages ready. Well, it didn't go that well this time.

This vulnerability is pretty nasty even if less obvious to exploit than Heartbleed or shellshock, it's probably in the same category. If you manage servers that are vulnerable (LTS and stable, less up to date versions, mostly), you better upgrade asap. When a bug gets its own name (this one is called Ghost), it seems to be the sign it requires immediate attention. How long is this trick going to work?

And, as we talk about security, Hipchat users should read this (unnamed) security notice.

2 years

This edition is marking the 2 years anniversary of Green Ruby. For 104 weeks I've been sending out this newsletter every week. Last week I had a discussion with a friend, he was asking me what was my drive, and what was the reason of my consistency. Well, there are various reasons.

First there is the routine aspect. It's like practicing Taichi or some kind of exercise. It keeps the mind fresh, and in this context where things change pretty fast, enforcing a weekly review gave me an overall feeling of symbiosis with the wave of what's going on.

Second is the philosophy of it: this newsletter is a gift. The ruby world is very business oriented. There is a lot of open source in there but still the average spirit is based on a market economy. There are of course many exceptions, I wanted to be one of them, and I believe a gift economy would be more my thing. You get rich of what you give away, not always individually, but most definitely collectively. I like that feeling.

Third, this media keeps me in touch with a bunch of my friends. It's like a beacon that I send to the people I left behind when I left France to go live in Taiwan. Or people I worked with in my past jobs in Taiwan, even. They don't often respond to it but I know they can perceive me through this weekly proof of existence.

Also, there is the support from xenor and more recently from simon, which, by sending me a few links each weeks, validate the need to keep things going.

Trello and irc

For as long as I remember, I always have been coding irc bots. In so many languages. I suspect there is some aspect of this that appeals to me. Maybe the creation of life-like pattern. Anyways, my last bot was of course in ruby, I called it cogbot, and is based on the great [cinch]2] framework. It has been sleepy for a while, since we were not using irc in Faria.

But Gandi is heavy irc user, and our recent experiments on trello gave me an occasion to get cogbot out of the dust. As a matter of fact Trello has a really great API, and also supports webhooks. So I added a trello listener to cogbot, and it was a lot of fun. Maybe next I will add some cards creation and update features in that bot, but it requires some kind of users management, which, on an irc bot, is not that trivial to implement.

Free your code

Do you have a side project? You should! Maybe the code you produce at work can be generic enough? This is a call for you to consider freeing your code. Open source community is plentiful but I know as a fact that 90% of the code that could be shared is not shared.

There is something I noticed in my own code publication. Often in my work there are constraints of time that lead to trade-offs and code quality is never as good as I wish it was. By working on side projects, the pace is much more relaxed and I can spend hours focusing on non productive efforts to make my code better. Well, this is not to say that side project code is perfect, but the environment of producing it brings another mindset. And after a while, the code produced at work gets naturally more insightful because of this extra practice.

Give it a try, if you happen to have some free time. If you don't have free time, you're doing something wrong. But that's another story.

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.