
#076 - jul 20th 2014


This week, on jul 25th, Ruby on Rails will have 10 years. And it will also be the annual Sysadmin appreciation day. It will be a busy friday.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Making of AprilZero
This website was popular last week, here is the story behind it.
Extremely graphic website of a design agency from Toronto. Check their portfolio.
A SVG loopy(?) drawing tool. Useless and beautiful.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
CodeMentor tool
Codementor connects you with expert developers for live 1:1 help..
The Docker Book ops
(book) new book by James Turnbull, I bought it and I liked it.
Prelang rb
Web-based GUI for prototyping rails code.
Awesome rails rb
Another list, this one is about applications made with rails.
Ruby Bookmarks rb
Curated collection of essential Ruby and Ruby on Rails resources.
Tools of the Trade tool
Huge list of SaaS services and tools for developers.
Elastibox ops
Dev And Ops Working Together. Platform for deploying preset stacks.
GoRails rb
Ruby on Rails screencasts for developers. Nothing to do with Golang.
Drunk User testing web
The real way to test usability.
Shoelace css3
Visual Bootstrap 3 Grid Builder .


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rubygems 2.4.0 rb
Minor changes, mostly good for gem builders.
Chef Container ops
Chef gets on the Docker wave.
Xiki rb
A shell console with GUI features.
OpenProject rb
Open source project management platform in rails.
Source Han Sans design
An open source Pan-CJK typeface, from Adobe and Google.
Pixi.js js
2D webGL renderer with canvas fallback.
Mirrorbits go
Geographical download redirector for distributing files across a set of mirrors.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Share Rails configuration to Javascript jul 9 rb
Example use of the global gem.
AngularJS for Absolute Beginners jul 15 js
An easy tutorial for approaching the basics of AngluarJS.
Rails 4 and PostgreSQL Arrays jul 15 rb
Rails 4 supports arrays fields for PostgreSQL in a nice way. Here is how.
Recommended Security Setup for AWS jul 16 ops
How to organize IAM accounts.
18 Surprises From Reading jQuery's Source Code jul 16 js
Some interesting tricks in there.
Testing Rails Service Oriented Architecture jul 17 rb
Use of remote_factory_girl and remote_database_cleaner for testing remote service.
Configuring Elasticsearch for High Performance jul 18 ops
Elasticsearch Configuration Properties are Key to Its Elasticity.
From big ball of mud to separated concerns jul 18 rb
Part 1 of 6 front-end techniques for Rails developers.
3 Ways to Create Classes in Ruby jul 19 rb
Simple review of class creation, including internal classes with struct.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Goruco 2014 (12 videos) jul 14 rb
The New York event that happened on june 21th.
Edge Caching Dynamic Rails Apps (28m) jul 14 rb
Various insights about CDN and rails.
Sysadmincasts #28 (7m) jul 14 ops
CLI Monday: cat, grep, awk, sort, uniq, spark.
A to Z CSS: @keyframes (6m) jul 15 css3
Animations that are suited to CSS.
What is Flynn: an open-source PaaS (33m) jul 16 ops
Interview with Jonathan Rudenberg, one of Flynn creators.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #107 (33m) jul 14 mobile
The Best Secrets Kept (Sara Haider).
Product Hunt 14 (48m) jul 15 web
About reddit’s upcoming mobile app, crack for beards, and the future of Product Hunt .
Ruby5 480 (6m) jul 15 rb
PunchClock, Prelang, Queue Pop with Timeout, Termit, Rails request handling.
Arrested DevOps 15 (57m) jul 15 ops
Continuous Delivery.
TheChangelog 124 (1h04) jul 15 js
Tedit, JS-Git, and Jack with Tim Caswell.
TheChangelog 125 (1h14) jul 15 rb
Jekyll with Parker Moore.
TheChangelog 126 (1h13) jul 15 rb
Xiki and reimagining the shell with Craig Muth.
Web platform #1 (1h21) jul 16 rb
RubyNation & Ruby's Cultural Impact.
Ruby on Rails Podcast #159 (1h14) jul 16 rb
Flo Motlik - Codeship.
Ruby Rogues 165 (1h05) jul 16 rb
Systems Programming Tricks with Julia Evans.
Javascript Jabber 117 (50m) jul 16 js
The Koa Framework with Gerred Dillon and Will Conant.
Ops all the things 9 (51m) jul 17 ops
Debug All The Things.
Ruby5 481 (5m) jul 18 rb
Peek, accessibility, polyglot, GoRails, EOL 1.8.7 and 1.9.2.
NodeUp 67 (55m) jul 18 js
a breach show (the browser written in js).


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
Git remerge again a feature branch tool
Pagespeed insight from the commandline tool
slice_before for custom splits rb
Styled checkbox with some css css3
Browser testing with Sikuli by simulating user actions tool
Gutter Color for sublimetext3 css3
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.