Pauline portfolio | |
Nice horizontal scrolling portfolio. |
Web Components Resources | |
A list of resources about web components. | |
JSFuck | |
A tools that transforms any js in a fucked up mess using only 6 different chars. | |
Dploy | |
A deployment automation platform by beanstalk, free for opensource. | |
HTTP Flies | |
Complete list of http response code, illustrated. |
Redscript | |
A Ruby Flavored JavaScript Experiment. Like coffeescript, just more rubyesque. | |
OJ | |
A JavaScript library to build websites with objects. No more html. | |
Goworker | |
A drop in go replacement for Resque that runs much faster (when there is a lot of tasks). | |
Flatdoc | |
Small js for transforming a markdown doc in a nice documentation web page. | |
Phaser | |
A HTML5 js game framework. | |
Sidetiq | |
Recurring jobs for sidekiq. | |
Together.js | |
An interesting tool by Mozilla so that website visitors can interact with each others. |
Go Object Oriented Design | sep 16 |
Composition not inheritance, polymorphism through interfaces, and packages for namespacing. | |
Ruby Tips Part 2 | sep 16 |
Destructuring, conversion methods, in a serie of ruby tips posts. | |
Frameworkless JavaScript | sep 17 |
An argument why js framework are not fit for all jobs. | |
Rails debug in the browser | sep 18 |
View Rails debug messages in the browser console with Rconsole. | |
Github For Everything | sep 18 |
Using github for everything in a team. | |
Getting Started With Test-kitchen | sep 21 |
An environment for testing Chef recipes. |
Explore Your Data with Elasticsearch (18m) | sep 20 |
Quick presentation of what is elasticsearch. |
Giant robots 66 (40m) | sep 16 |
With Anthony Eden about DNSimple, programming languages and code retreats. | |
Ruby5 403 (5m) | sep 17 |
rails env, onebox, shortcode, ruby 2.1, postgres_ext, ruby tdd and bdd. | |
NodeUp 52 (1h18) | sep 18 |
Node Binary compatibility. | |
RubyRogues 123 (1h08) | sep 18 |
ROM (Ruby object mapper) with Piotr Solnica. | |
TheChangelog 104 (49m) | sep 20 |
Kickstarting Espruino with Gordon Williams. | |
Ruby5 404 (6m) | sep 20 |
explain_shell, gsub, hexpress, capybara2 and jquery, MRI GC settings, Rconsole. | |
Javascript Jabber 076 (50m) | sep 20 |
Meteor.js with Marcus Phillips and Fred Zirdung. |