
#079 - aug 10th 2014


As maybe you know that's a long time I wish to make the green ruby website dynamic, especially to feature a search engine on all the links. But I never found time yet. So if you feel like contributing, please to contact me. Ideally I would think about some pre-generated json db and a js only frontend, so then there is no need for a backend. The source code of the current static site and generation scripts is on github


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Digital Trip
Google Chrome Experiment game with three.js and headtrackr.
Coffee Beans
Not so exceptional, neat design though. But, well, I have a weakness for coffee.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Keep a CHANGELOG tool
Grant the Changelog file a first class citizen status.
Reliably Deploying Rails Applications rb
[book] Framework for provisioning servers with Chef and deploying with Capistrano 3.
BestGems rb
Ruby gems download ranking.
Committed tool
Search github usernames to get summary of git activity. tool
The missing link between GitHub and project shipping.
Input: Fonts for Code tool
This site has an interesting previewing tool.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Starboard rb
Onboarding, offboarding, or crossboarding made easy, from Heroku, using Trello linked to Github.
Coverband rb
Rack middleware to help measure production code coverage, find what code is never used and delete it.
kibana-rack rb
Embed Kibana as a Rack application.
Diplomat rb
A HTTP Ruby API for Consul (distributed key value store).
Gritter rb
Rails gem to add Growl-like notifications to your application.
P5.js js
JavaScript library that ports the original goal of Processing to the web.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Using ruby Range with custom classes aug 3 rb
Example with code about making ranges your own.
Shipping the new GitHub Issues aug 4 tool
The story of 9 month of preparing the new Github issues feature.
Shaking Off Your TDD Fatigue With a Few Quick Tips aug 4 rb
How do you get the benefits of TDD when you don’t feel like TDDing.
How to Use MiniTest aug 4 rb
Minitest is nothing but new, but maybe you need a primer.
Search as a First-Class Object aug 5 rb
Create an ActiveRecord model to represent a single search.
Ruby Hashes Cheat Guide for Beginners aug 5 rb
Methods regularly used when dealing with Hashes in Ruby and Rails.
Page preloading effect aug 5 css3
Using CSS animations, 3D transforms and SVGs.
Customize Minitest Assertions and Expectations aug 6 rb
This article is more advanced, and shows how to write custom assertions.
Speeding up AngularJS apps with simple optimizations aug 6 js
Performance pointers to keep building fast applications.
Getting Started with Node.js for the Rails Developer aug 7 js
Quick introduction to Node.js and LoopBack for Ruby on Rails minded developers.
Ruby Social Gems: Github aug 8 rb
Example of implementation of oauth with github and other uses of their API.
Moving Ruby Apps From Heroku to Docker aug 8 ops
Report on a migration, with all the details.
DNS to CDN to Origin aug 8 ops
Some solutions for rails apps and delivery strategy.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Underscore: go with a ruby taste (10m) aug 4 go
Wanna make go feel more like ruby using reflect.
AtoZ CSS: nth-child (7m) aug 5 css3
the various ways of using :nth-child, :nth-of-type and others.
Elixir Conf 2014 (15 videos) aug 6 tool
All the elixir from the annual conf.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots #110 (32m) aug 4 web
Protecting Invisible Things (Eric Mill).
Arreted DevOps 17 (59m) aug 4 ops
Help! I Need Somebody!.
Ruby5 486 (7m) aug 5 rb
ReactJS and rails, RubyGems Legal Stuff, Coverband, Unicorns and GitHub, Oat, Matz on the GIL.
Ruby Rogues 168 (1h23) aug 6 rb
Xiki with Craig Muth.
Javascript Jabber 120 (1h) aug 6 js
Google Polymer with Rob Dodson and Eric Bidelman.
The Changelog #127 (1h05) aug 6 rb
Keep a CHANGELOG with Olivier Lacan.
Ruby5 487 (5m) aug 8 rb
tripit/slate, deprecating paths in Rails mailers, RubySteps, Starboard, new Heroku Button.
NodeUp 70 (2h06) aug 8 js
A npm client show.
Web platform #4 (58m) aug 8 js
The Web Components Community.


The tips of the week collected from Faria Dev Team ..
preventDefault after load requires delegation js
moving lines on hackpad and sublimetext tool
human readable names for columns rb
Dash from vim on mac tool
Digitalocean CLI with tugboat ops
Zsh and git with oh-my-zsh and git-up tool
Select status in html forms js
Manage multiple versions of a formula with homebrew tool
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.