Built with chrome | |
A world remade with lego. | |
Vote for the Net awards | |
Vote closing in 50 days. | |
Oimo | |
A 3D physics engine in js, demo is very fast. |
Layervault | |
Like github, but for designers. | |
Vim Weekly | |
A new weekly newsletter delivering vim tips. | |
You might not need jQuery | |
List of pure js alternatives to jquery snippets. | |
Practicing Ruby | |
This publication just open sourced its archives. | |
tlk.io | |
A simple and free webchat. | |
Vizify | |
Build a public personal resume. | |
LearnGitBranching | |
An interactive tutorial to learn more about git branching. | |
Great Code Club | |
A private developers community with monthly projects. | |
Javascript OO | |
A repository of various JS libs. |
Coffeescript 1.7.1 | |
Released on jan 28, here is what changed. | |
fit.js | |
To male things fit into other things. | |
Scroll Reveal | |
Declarative on-scroll reveal animations. | |
Sparkr | |
Lets you create ASCII sparklines for your Ruby CLIs ▁▂▃▅▇ |
Culling ActiveRecord Callbacks | jan 27 |
Save future you some time and effort and use a Service Object instead. | |
10 Things We Forgot to Monitor | jan 29 |
A small list of things the monitor at bitly after feeling the pain of missing them. | |
Ruby 2.1: Out-of-Band GC | jan 29 |
A patch to make Ruby 2.1's great garbage collection greater. | |
Docker, Jenkins, Ruby on Rails | jan 29 |
A recipe for continuous deployment. | |
Bootstrap 3.1 | jan 30 |
Details of features in that new release (official SASS suport, finaly!). | |
Sass: Mixin or Placeholder? | jan 30 |
Understand the difference between including a mixin and extending a placeholder. | |
Elasticsearch: Indexing SQL databases. The easy way. | jan 30 |
How to get contents from a SQL database into Elasticsearch with rivers. | |
Passenger now supports the new Ruby 2.1 Out-Of-Band GC | jan 31 |
It's optional and tricky to enable, but graphs seem to prove it deserves the effort. | |
What are you doing for Open Data Day 2014? | jan 31 |
Feb 22 is the open data day. Here is how you can join in. | |
Replacing Google Image Charts with D3.js | jan 31 |
Example code for making your own charts and evade one more google addiction. | |
Onboarding developers to your Rails app sucks | jan 31 |
Some tricks about how to make onboarding easier. | |
Evolution of Cookbook Development | feb 1 |
Summarises a bunch of the current best practices for writing Chef cookbooks. |
A 6 Minute Guide to Keyword Arguments in Ruby 2.0 (7m) | jan 27 |
Short video from cooperpress. | |
DOFD Episode 12: Mina for Deployment Part 1 (12m) | jan 28 |
Mina the alternative to Capistrano, not a java http server. | |
Garden City Ruby 2014 (17 presentations) | jan 29 |
Whole collection of Garden City Rubyconf from early in january. |
NodeUp 59 (1h24) | jan 28 |
About Node new project lead. | |
Ruby5 435 (5m) | jan 28 |
Lite config, Thor, Rubygems tips, Mina, Vim weekly. | |
Ruby Rogues 141 (1h40) | jan 29 |
Teaching Kids with Ron Evans. | |
Arrested Devops 5 (51m) | jan 29 |
Continuous Integration – CI Told You So! | |
Ruby5 436 (5m) | jan 31 |
Elixir fountain, Argus, STI+Hstore, Rails validators, Sparkr, Handcooler. | |
Javascript Jabber 094 (43m) | jan 31 |
BonsaiJS with Tobi Reiss. |