
#090 - oct 26th 2014


Rails Rumble 2014 winners will be announced in a few hours, you can check the list of submissions. There is a lot of creative ideas over there.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Nice and Serious design
An ethically-driven creative agency.
All the free Stock design
Get all the Free Stock Images, Videos and Icons in one location.
Piccolo tool
A pocket sized open source CNC-bot, arduino based.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
Learn Ruby on Rails rb
Learn Ruby on Rails as You Modify a Craigslist Clone.
Cursors css3
All available cursors in one page.
Case studies design
(Book) Exciting Web Projects: Conception to Execution.
Userium design
Checklist to catch common usability problems before user testing.
Netlify tool
Builds, deploys and host static websites and apps.
Targeted tool
Test your email designs across 30+ email clients before you send them.
Awesome WPO web
A curated list of Web Performance Optimization.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Ruby Raptor rb
A radically new Ruby web server (to be released next month).
Did you mean rb
The 'Did you mean?' experience in Ruby code debugging.
Einhorn rb
Language-independent shared socket manager.
Snap.svg js
The JavaScript SVG library for the modern web.
Exoskeleton js
Faster and leaner Backbone for your HTML5 apps.
Tug ops
Docker development workflow (could be compared to fig).
Stocker ops
Manage environment variables securely.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Rails vs. Sinatra by Example oct 19 rb
Relative merits of Rails and Sinatra by building the same app in both frameworks.
Sacrificial Architecture oct 20 tool
Build something to be able to throw away in some time.
Career planning: Where do old devs go to? oct 20 web
Interesting feedback from old timers (people like me).
Writing Better Tests With the Three-phase Pattern oct 20 rb
Follow the Arrange, Act, Assert sequence.
Learning React.js: Getting Started and Concepts oct 20 js
Some React basics, first installment in a new series of tutorials.
LevelDB in Ruby oct 22 rb
How to use LevelDB with a Ruby wrapper.
5 Free eBooks for Learning Ruby on Rails Framework oct 22 rb
How to use LevelDB with a Ruby wrapper.
localForage vs. XHR oct 22 js
Fetching from IndexedDB is about 5-15 times faster than fetching from AJAX.
Eight Docker Development Patterns oct 22 ops
A docker enthousiast shares some patterns that have started to show up repeatedly.
Get an A in SSL class oct 23 ops
How to score A+ in your ssllabs test.
How JavaScript is Going to Replace Node.js oct 24 js
Seems there is some kind of controversy around node.js governance.
Human-Centered Typography oct 24 design
Treating text as an interface is as much about usability as it is enjoyment and ease.
Wobbly slideshow effect oct 24 css3
Experimental slideshow effect taht wobbles.
Diving in Rails - Exceptions handling oct 25 rb
How rails catches exceptions, and how you can customize it.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Rocky Mountain Ruby 2014 (12 videos) oct 21 rb
Rocky Mountain Ruby from september 25.
Nickel City Ruby Conference 2014 (15 videos) oct 21 rb
Nickel City Ruby from oct 3.
Gorails 29 (20m) oct 23 rb
Email Notifications with Rails 4.2, deliver_later, and Previews.
AtoZ CSS: rotateY (7m) oct 23 css3
Rotate elements and how perspective works.


What could be heard last week ..
Food Fight Show 81 (1h03) oct 18 ops
Even MOAR Windows.
Food Fight Show 82 (25m) oct 18 ops
Live From Chef Summit London 2014.
DevOps Cafe 56 (1h05) oct 20 ops
Complexity and Failure with Sidney Dekker.
Giant Robots 119 (27m) oct 20 web
Create Value or Create Technology? (Pete Hunt).
Ruby5 504 (5m) oct 21 rb
UltraHook, Capybara Tests, Einhorn, Barcelona Ruby Conf, Raptor.
RubyRogues 178 (1h15) oct 22 rb
Book Club: Refactoring Ruby with Martin Fowler.
Javascript Jabber 130 (1h07) oct 22 js
Browser Tools and Extensions.
The Cloudcast #166 (26m) oct 22 ops
Creating a Docker Cloud with Clocker.
Adventure in angular #13 (38m) oct 23 js
Modern Web and Open Source with Scott Hanselman.
The Cloudcast #167 (30m) oct 24 ops
Bringing Advanced Analytics to DevOps (pagerduty).
Ruby5 505 (6m) oct 24 rb
ENVied, Payola, Pippi, multithreading in MRI, Practicing Rails.
Ruby on Rails Podcast 173 (1h) oct 25 rb
Rails Rumble 2014 Entries.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.