
#032 - sep 15th 2013


As announced previously, there is more and more devops thing in my scope. Not much posts this week, but a bunch of podcasts. Docker and go are really good fun. Hey I still love ruby, but golang recently got a lot of my attention.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
Typographic Posters
A neat collection of posters that use typogray as a graphic basis.
Okay it's absolutely not in the scope, but I really love this phone idea.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
DockerForge tool
A github repo for sharing docker tools.
Free Vector Maps tool
A colection of royalty free vector geographic maps.
GitHubReminder tool
A reminder about your starred projects on Github.
Espruino js
A new tiny-board subtitled: javascript for things.
Dungeons & Developers web
Funny D&D character sheet based on web developers skills.


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Animo.js js
A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations.
Phusion Passenger rb
Phusion now ships passenger as .deb packages. Upgrades gonna be easier now
Gitlab 6.0 tool
This open source clone of github gets a shiny new major version ready.
Coder for raspberry PI web
An interesting project, targeted at teaching the web using a raspberry PI.
Hermit tool
A font for programmers, by a programmer.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Five Helpful Tips When Using RequireJS sep 10 js
Require.js is more and more popular, this article unveils a fea tips about it.
CSS Length Explained sep 10 css3
A dive into how sizes are measured in css and why.
Managing Secrets With Chef Vault sep 10 tool
Details about the chef-vault gem for managing passwords and keys in chef.
10 Terrific Time-Saving CSS Cleanup Tools sep 12 css3
A list of great tools for css housekeeping.
A Comparison of Remote Pairing Tools sep 12 tool
Comparison between skype, wemux, chrome remote desktop for remote pairing.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Ruby Tapas freebie: enumerator (4m) sep 10 rb
Quick presentation on the enumerator from ruuby core librairies.
Devops culture traits (59m) sep 10 tool
Cool talk about company culture, not only about devops.
Restructuring Rails (35m) sep 15 tool
A refactoring story at boston.rb.


What could be heard last week ..
Giant robots 65 (38m) sep 09 rb
With Chris Savage and Brendan Schwartz about Wistia.
DevOps cafe 41 (38m) sep 09 tool
With Dave Mangot from Salesforce about DevOps, organizational design, and toolchain choices.
Coder Radio 66 (45m) sep 09 tool
With Andy and Ben from Dotcloud about the future of docker and a bit about go.
Ruby5 401 (7m) sep 10 rb
Kochiku, scaling rails, passenger, ruby off rails, postgresql, seeing is believing.
RubyRogues 122 (1h12) sep 11 rb
Daemons with Kenneth Kalmer. Very good one.
TheChangelog 103 (1h) sep 13 tool
GitLab and open source with Sytse Sijbrandij.
Ruby5 402 (6m) sep 13 rb
Ruboto irb, railscasts, polyglot, rubygems, rails load path, yokozuna, ruby2600.
Javascript Jabber 075 (57m) sep 13 js
Maintainable JavaScript with Nicholas Zakas.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.