
#044 - dec 08th 2013


This week on tuesday we had various security alerts on rails, all versions. It's a good time to upgrade or to think about how to get rid of your rails 2 remaining apps. I know there are still a lot out there.


Examples of UI/UX, graphic performance, web design and flashy things.
A game where you need to guess which commit belongs to which project. Quite fun.
Alice in videoland
Like a book, on web page, with the code explained on webtuts and available on github.
An HTML5 beatbox, design your beat and save it.


Web applications, resources and tools, available for making our life easier or funnier.
24 pull requests tool
Like every year, the 24 pull request initiative proposes to make code gifts for christmas.
ContribHub tool
Making it easier to find cool repos to hack on!
Explainshell tool
Write down a command-line to see the help text that matches each argument.
Sugarbox tool
A browser extension to collaborate on a web page. Didn't try yet but I will.
Have I been pwned tool
Check if your email was recently leaked from adobe, yahoo, or others.
Prune tool
Automatically create QA environments for GitHub pull requests. (on invite)


A selection of gems or applications updated during past week.
Rails 3.2.16 / 4.0.2 rb
This is a massive security release, upgrade is not optional, just do it.
Ruby Lint rb
Static code analysis for Ruby. Rubodoc watches style, Rubylint watches logic.
Go 1.2 go
Latest stable version, with various (backward-compatible) improvements.
Guardian js
Authentication gateway middle-man for simplifying OAuth requests.
Oridomi js
The web is flat, but now you can fold it up.
Regular rb
Coffeescript, bower, rails, angular, an opinionated rails setup.
Responsive comments mobile
A purely client-side solution to conditional loading.
Serverspec ops
RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else.
Dashing-rails rb
A nice looking dashboard framework by Shopify now ported to rails.


From the blogosphere or news feeds ...
Chrome DevTools for Mobile dec 2 js
Article plus video from Paul Irish about remote debugging mobile apps with chrome.
Techniques for creating textured text dec 2 design
Exploration of all the possible ways to do textured text on a web page.
Introduction to GLI dec 2 rb
Presentation of GLI, an alternative to Thor for Command Line applications.
Using Polymorphism to Make a Better Activity Feed dec 2 rb
A simple example of polymorphism, nothing new, but clear and good for those who still don't polymorph.
Exploring canvas drawing techniques dec 3 js
An amazing list of brushes using canvas and js.
A SASS !default use case dec 3 css3
Short example about how to use this default thing in SASS.
What’s new in Git 1.8.5 dec 3 tool
Various small improvements and new features for that new Git version.
Why I love Ruby Enumerable#inject dec 4 rb
An introduction of how to use Enumerable#inject.
Sharing large repositories with your team dec 5 tool
Or, How to use git bundle.
Golang channels tutorial dec 6 go
Small tutorial about channels in Go.


Screencasts and conferences videos, or other video feeds ...
Ruby conf 2013 (49 talks) rb
Now the full list of confs available.
Mastering Elasticsearch With Ruby (40m) rb
Part of the rubyconf, this one I had a special interest in.
How Google Does Code Review (55m) dec 7 tool
Trunk Based Development workflow, methods and tools.


What could be heard last week ..
Beyond ink #01 (1h) dec 1 design
A new british podcast about design, this week with Simon Collison and Laura Kalbag.
Giant robots 77 (1h) dec 2 tool
Harold Gimenez, Heroku postgres leader, about postgres, data management, and beer brewing.
Ruby5 423 (6m) dec 3 rb
Rubyconf talks, ruby-lint, advanced memoization, timetrap, better sprockets errors, idiomatic ruby, hello ruby.
Food fight dec 3 (1h17) dec 3 ops
An attempt to decide what are best practices in Chef, not always consensual.
RubyRogues 134 (1h18) dec 4 rb
Sharktime with Lucas Dohmen, an open discussion involving computer degrees and functional programming.
Arrested Devops 001 (37m) dec 6 ops
A first episode for this podcast, with some introduction and a question: what does DevOps mean?
Ruby5 424 (6m) dec 6 rb
Spring, rails security, pry rescue, pundit, rask, death of bundler, cap 3 guide.
Links curated by mose (editor).

Green Ruby News was a feed of fresh links of the week about ruby, javascript, webdev, devops, collected by mose, xenor and tysliu every sunday.